Wednesday, January 30, 2008

T&T: Organizations highlight need for creativity in attracting support

Exerpt from:
By Cathy Donaldson
Times & Transcript Staff
Published Wednesday January 30th, 2008
Appeared on page D1

When it comes to making contributions of in-kind support (resources other than money), one of the more innovative programs that does just that is Geeks on Ice, which contributes to various agencies supported by the United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern New Brunswick.

About five years ago, Trevor MacAusland of Moncton came up with the idea of holding a hockey tournament that would not only get those in the information technology sector -- like himself -- moving, but would also help give back to the community.

Since then, the April tournament has partnered with United Way and raised more than $15,000, which has been used to buy computers and related software for community agencies, says Micha Fardy, United Way's director of community development.

In addition, a group of about 15 'Geek Warriors' now offers professional IT expertise to non-profit groups that might not be able to afford the assistance, says Micha.

"It's definitely a unique way to raise funds and increase resources in the community," she says. "Before the Geeks' support, some smaller agencies were not even able to access email on a regular basis. It's a win-win."

Organizations have to be creative in developing resources, both financial and non-financial, Micha adds.

"Yes, we need the dollars but we also need the resource of knowledge," she says. "Opportunities like Geeks on Ice, and now the Geek Warriors, allow people to give what they can -- their time, their talent or their treasure."

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