Monday, December 18, 2006

Reminder: Public Information Session

Geeks on Ice to Hold Public Information Session

Co-Committee Chairs Announced

Moncton – Several key vacancies on the Geeks on Ice committee have now been filled, and the event team is looking forward to its 4th anniversary. The committee will host a public information session for those who are interested in working as volunteers at, or would like to learn more about, the April event.

The public information session will take place on Tuesday, December 19th beginning at 5:00 PM. The location of the session will be:

Whitehill Technologies (Large Boardroom)
260 McNaughton Ave.
Moncton, NB
(In Caledonia Industrial Park)

The committee is asking anyone who wants to attend personally or by conference call to confirm their attendance by sending an email to or phone 852-8096.

Geeks on Ice is an annual 16 team ice hockey tournament held in Moncton. Each team is a representative of a company that is either IT driven and/or Geek powered. Teams that have participated in the past include: Property Guys, Whitehill Technologies, Brovada, Evolving Solutions, Sports Direct, Xerox, Gtech, OAOT, and Assomption Vie.

The event has three goals. To promote health and wellness within the provincial ICT sector, promote networking among peers, and raise money for non-profit organizations to purchase or upgrade their computer equipment and peripherals. Since 2003, the event has raised approximately $10,000 for local non-profit organizations and charities.

The popularity of Geeks on Ice has created a buzz at the local and national levels. The tournament has doubled in size since 2003 and will be featured nationally on the Outdoor Life Network’s Road Hockey Rumble.

In related news, Geeks on Ice founder Trevor Macausland has announced that Michael Nied will return as Tournament Logistics Chair, Denis Gaudet will serve as Geekfest Chair while Randy Delorey has accepted the role of Tournament Co-Chair.

“I am excited about the mix of experience and new ideas from the team we have thus far. Our team will focus on making Geeks on Ice a must attend event which will contribute to the continued growth of this phenomenal event.” said Macausland.

Please visit our website at for updates or more information. If you are interested in attending the public session, please contact Trevor Macausland at or call (506) 852-8096.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Watch out for the Geeks on OLN starting in January...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Reflection of Moncton's Technology Strategy

The City of Moncton and the Moncton Technology Planning Group released their study today on "ACCELERATING" Moncton's technology-based economy and entrepreneurship. With the help of Austin's IC2 institute, the study highlights weaknesses and opportunities for our local economy.

Kudos to the City of Moncton, especially Councillor Doug Robertson and the local business leaders involved, for the leadership displayed on this file. I would encourage readers of this blog to read the report (Click Here) as it highlights the many opportunities that await Moncton.

I also want to add that Geeks on Ice made the report!!! P.28


Trevor Macausland

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Geeks on Ice to Hold Public Information Session

Co-Committee Chairs Announced

Moncton – Several key vacancies on the Geeks on Ice committee have now been filled, and the event team is looking forward to its 4th anniversary. The committee will host a public information session for those who are interested in working as volunteers at, or would like to learn more about, the April event.

The public information session will take place on Tuesday, December 19th beginning at 5:00 PM. The location of the session will be:

Whitehill Technologies (Large Boardroom)
260 McNaughton Ave.
Moncton, NB
(In Caledonia Industrial Park)

The committee is asking anyone who wants to attend personally or by conference call to confirm their attendance by sending an email to or phone 852-8096.

Geeks on Ice is an annual 16 team ice hockey tournament held in Moncton. Each team is a representative of a company that is either IT driven and/or Geek powered. Teams that have participated in the past include: Property Guys, Whitehill Technologies, Brovada, Evolving Solutions, Sports Direct, Xerox, Gtech, OAOT, and Assomption Vie.

The event has three goals. To promote health and wellness within the provincial ICT sector, promote networking among peers, and raise money for non-profit organizations to purchase or upgrade their computer equipment and peripherals. Since 2003, the event has raised approximately $10,000 for local non-profit organizations and charities.

The popularity of Geeks on Ice has created a buzz at the local and national levels. The tournament has doubled in size since 2003 and will be featured nationally on the Outdoor Life Network’s Road Hockey Rumble.

In related news, Geeks on Ice founder Trevor Macausland has announced that Michael Nied will return as Tournament Logistics Chair, Denis Gaudet will serve as Geekfest Chair while Randy Delorey has accepted the role of Tournament Co-Chair.

“I am excited about the mix of experience and new ideas from the team we have thus far. Our team will focus on making Geeks on Ice a must attend event which will contribute to the continued growth of this phenomenal event.” said Macausland.

Please visit our website at for updates or more information. If you are interested in attending the public session, please contact Trevor Macausland at or call (506) 852-8096.

Congrats to eVolving Solutions

Congrats to our friends over at Evolving Solutions of Saint John who received the Saint John Board of Trade's Outstanding Business Achievement Awards.

Keep up the good work gentlemen...


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Geeks on Ice 2007

Will will soon have very important information about the 2007 edition of Geeks on Ice... Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Moncton Technology Planning Group to present strategy

Moncton Technology Planning Group to present strategy

Action plan will focus on acceleration of technology-based economic growth in Moncton area
On Friday, December 1, 2006 at 10 a.m. on the 6th floor at Moncton City Hall, the Moncton Technology Planning Group (MTPG) and IC2 Institute will unveil their action plan targeting the area's technology-based strengths and opportunities. The plan responds to key priorities and challenges identified in Moncton's economic development strategy.

"The report will outline a detailed plan designed to capitalize on existing technology-industry strengths and speed the growth of our knowledge-based industries," said Moncton Councillor Doug Robertson, Chair of the MTPG and the City's Economic Affairs Committee.

The action plan is the result of eight months of extensive analysis and consultation carried out by IC2 Institute and the Bureau of Business Research at the University of Texas at Austin.
MTPG and IC2 project team members will present the complete strategy at the news conference.

For more information, contact
Doug Robertson
City of Moncton
(506) 382-5156

Paul Thomson

Director, Corporate Communications
City of Moncton
(506) 853-3592

Le Groupe de planification technologique de Moncton présentera sa stratégie

Le plan d'action misera sur l'accélération de la croissance économique axée sur la technologie dans la région de Moncton.

Le vendredi 1er décembre 2006 à 10 h, au 6e étage de l'hôtel de ville de Moncton, le Groupe de planification technologique de Moncton (GPTM) et l'IC2 Institute présenteront leur plan d'action destiné à exploiter les forces et possibilités technologiques de la région. Le plan répond aux priorités et défis clés précisés dans la stratégie de développement économique de Moncton.
« Le rapport présentera un plan détaillé conçu pour tirer profit des forces actuelles de l'industrie de la technologie et accélérer la vitesse de croissance de nos industries axées sur le savoir », a déclaré le conseiller de Moncton, Doug Robertson, président du GPTM et du Comité des affaires économiques de la Ville.

Le plan d'action est le résultat de huit mois d'analyse et de consultation exhaustives effectuées par l'IC2 Institute et le Bureau of Business Research de l'Université du Texas à Austin.
Les membres de l'équipe du projet de GPTM et d'IC2 présenteront la stratégie complète dans le cadre d'une conférence de presse.

Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec :

Doug Robertson,
conseiller municipal
Ville de Moncton

Paul Thomson,
Communications corporatives

Ville de Moncton

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Anticipation of 1,700 New ICT Jobs in 5 Years

I opened up my mail this morning to read the following press release from PropelSJ. This is indeed great news for the ICT sector and a positive outlook on the next 5 years for the province of NB.


Anticipation of 1,700 New Jobs in 5 Years; ICT Industry optimistic about its future according to new survey commissioned by propelsj

Saint John, New Brunswick, November 15, 2006 – The ICT sector in Saint John is developing steadily and needs to be prepared for further growth.

propelsj, an ICT industry association, raised the question on availability of future human resources capital in this sector both in Saint John and in the Province, and is ready to facilitate the process leading to a better understanding of supply and demand requirements for the future.

The Qualifications Needs Survey distributed online among 312 companies in New Brunswick in August/September 2006 assessed the demand of skills in the ICT sector in New Brunswick and was the first step to accomplish this.

According to Jeff White, propelsj President, "The mood of the ICT industry appears to be enormously optimistic, we need to ensure that all political, financial, and educational partners and resources are working together to be ready for this anticipated growth. This is good news for the ICT industry."

The 2006 Qualifications Need Survey was distributed online during August and September to firms in the ICT sector throughout the province. Of more than 300 firms provided with the survey, 25% responded and completed the survey with cumulative employment of 6,306 people (1,215 in Saint John). There is a positive perception among respondents about future growth of this sector in the province of New Brunswick for new employment; around 1,700 jobs will be created in the ICT sector in the Province in the next five years; most of these, 1,303, would be in Saint John. Over 600 positions will be created in Saint John in the next two years; a 132% increase. There will be approximately 40 positions at a managerial level in the next two years, and 100 more on a five years perspective.

Software Engineers, Computer Programmers, and Information Systems Business Analysts ranked high on the "wish list" of the ICT firms. About half of these new positions would require some undergraduate degree, particularly in Engineering, with the other half requiring at least a Community College Diploma. Project management expertise and certification ( e.g. Project Management Institute) are expected for engineering level or Business Analysts positions.

Dr. Henryk Sterniczuk, UNBSJ MBA Director and a propelsj Board Member, helped to develop the survey and create the report and points out that "this is an incentive for both academia and industry to further coordinate their activities and balance the supply and demand for the right set of skills and knowledge." Dr. Sterniczuk added, "We have an amazing opportunity here and we need to make sure it has all of the right conditions to grow. The growth and energy in this dynamic sector is very positive and we should take advantage of it as a community."

While the survey did not focus on obtaining deeper information on the local supply of ICT resources from the advanced educational institutes, more analysis and collaboration is required with all stakeholders, including government and industry, to help prepare for what could be a potential shortage of qualified resources if the trend continues.

Jeff Roach, Executive Director of propelsj's Catalict accelerator concluded that "The introduction of Catalict as a program to stimulate and support start ups and early stage ICT businesses should increase demand for more ICT personnel."

The survey findings correlate well with the findings of the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) which were shared with Atlantic Canadian audiences in the past few weeks at events in Halifax that show:

• There are over 600,000 Canadians employed in the ICT space.
• There is roughly 2% unemployment in the sector for candidates with relevant skills (compared to roughly 8% in all industries across Canada)
• There will be a demand of 90,000 new employees in the sector over the next four years.

propelsj will distribute the 2006 Qualifications Need Survey Report to its partners and stakeholders in the province and will make it available at

propelsj - surge ahead / 506.642.9029

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Let the Games Begin!

Tonight's the first night the Whitehill Geeks hit the ice! Can't wait! The skates are sharpenned and the Geeks are pumped for another fun season of pick up hockey.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Get Your Team In The Net!

My friends over at eVolving Solutions in Saint John have created a web beased portal for minor hockey teams and amateur teams to better co-ordinate their efforts this season.
Signing up is free! I encourage you to participate.


Welcome to YourTeam Online!

Thank you for your interest in our Free Beta Launch! You are now ready to equip your hockey team with the world's leading hockey website: YourTeam Online

Here's how to get started:

Sign up here to receive your free account username and password. Sign up Here

Next, we'll guide you through a series of steps to register your team. Once you login you can explore all the awesome features offered by YourTeam including:

  • add/invite teammates, coaches and parents

  • add your team calendar online

  • track your team & personal stats

  • share drills and practice plans - Like This and This

  • send SMS text messages to your teammates & players: "Practice is cancelled!"

  • share video and photos - Like This and This

  • view rink maps for directions

  • you can even upload an on ice action photo for your own hockey card! Like This

Finally, have some fun and enjoy! Hit the ice now!

Good luck this season,

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Entrepreneurship & Skills Development Conference on the Information and Communications Technology Sector

What: Entrepreneurship & Skills Development Conference on the Information and Communications Technology Sector

When: Thursdat, 19 Oct 2006

Where: Wu Conference Centre, UNB, Fredericton

UNB's BMO-International Business & Entrepreneurship Centre is hosting the Entrepreneurship & Skills Development Conference--ICT Sector on Thursday, October 19th at the Wu Conference Centre, UNB, Fredericton. It is a one-day conference directed towards entrepreneurs and hopeful entrepreneurs in the ICT sector.

The keynotes are by Gerry Pond of Mariner Partners (and Chair of the N.B. Business Council) and Don Simmonds of AirIQ, placed 15th on the 2006 Fast 50 published by Deloitte.

Participants must register. For more information, check out their website at and go to the link for the ESD Conference.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Looking for some playing time..

Hockey nut looking to play some pickup hockey this winter. If your looking for players, please contact me at the following:

Trevor Macausland
W: 506-855-0005
H: 506-852-8096

Friday, October 13, 2006

Critical Geeks on Ice Update

I have received several emails in the past month concerning the status of Geeks on Ice for 2007. In August, I sent out an appeal to past participants of the Geeks on Ice tournament through our website and email list to ask for involvement in the organization of the event. Due to personal reasons and loss of several key committee members to geographical relocation, we need new members to keep our unique event going strong. Since a final decision needs to be made soon, I am making a final appeal for help. Michael Neid has agreed to act as the Tournament logistics Chair again, but we need to have individuals fill the following roles:

Committee co-Chair (Possibility of 2)
As committee chair, you are responsible for the overall operations of the event. You are a natural at presenting to the public the importance of such an event within our community while working with key community and industry players . The chair(s) will also be the face of the event within the community and oversee all aspects of each sub committee in planning the event.

Marketing co-Chair (Possibility of 2)
As marketing chair, you will play a vital role in developing relationships with various sponsors as well as working with the local and national media to garner attention for the event. The Marketing chair is responsible for all media engagements, press releases, prizes and maintenance of the website.

As treasurer, you are responsible for all aspects of finance and budgeting for the event. The individual must have previous experience in this area.

Geekfest Coordinator
Reporting to the marketing chair, the Geekfest coordinator will be responsible for the organization and logistical elements of the Geekfest party.

Geek Powered Volunteers

  • Timekeeping
  • Ambassadors
  • Scorekeeping

If I do not fill the positions stated above, it would be with a very heavy heart that I would be required to fold the tournament. I firmly believe that our "little" tournament has made a significant impact in our community over the last 4 years and is a vital component to profiling NB's Knowledge economy. Through Geeks on Ice, we have managed to profile the NB Knowledge Industry on a National level, raise over $9000.00 for local charities, created lasting memories for Knowledge Industry professionals throughout NB and promoted health and wellness within our sector. I think we have something really magical and would really hate to see it disappear from our landscape, so I plead with you to get involved today.

Please forward this message to anyone you know might be interested in participating in this year's event. You can contact me at or at (506) 852-8096 to discuss potential involvement.

Trevor Macausland
Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf Organizer
W: 506-855-0005
H: 506-852-8096

The goal of Geeks on Ice and Geeks Golf is to serve as a networking catalyst and promotion for knowledge industry firms and professionals from all over the region. The unique focus of GOI is the fact that each team must consist of players who work in an IT related profession either in IT, insurance, banking, contact centers or businesses that specialize in the transfer of knowledge.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Rising Stars Gala Event

On Wednesday evening, I attended the 4th annual Rising Stars Gala event at the Delta Beausejour in Moncton. Approximately 200 professionals and their families from the NB knowledge industry were there to recognize 30 outstanding “Unsung heroes” of our knowledge economy. We awarded 10 of those individuals with a year long mentorship with several key players from New brunswick's knowledge economy.

The extravagant gala offered an opportunity for the finalists and professionals to network with their provincial colleagues and featured two keynote speakers. Heather Tulk of Aliant made many key statements on the importance leadership has in our lives. Heather stated that individuals are the CEO of their lives. She called on the Rising Stars finalist to think of themselves as "You, Inc." and challenged the stars to set a vision for their life and think of the legacy they wanted to leave behind them. It was truly inspiring.

The other speaker of the evening feature Carol Thompson, CEO of Austin, TX based Computerland. Carol is a key player in Austin’s world reknown knowledge economy. Throughout her presentation, Carol highlighted several key points that linked NB’s current knowledge economy to where Austin was before they decided to aggresively push economic development of a knowledge industry for their city. Carol indicated that the Moncton area has several similarities to Austin and that is why the IC2 partnership makes sense for the Moncton area. She used the example of the Rolling Stones, the housing market, Moncton’s beautiful downtown core and our blue collar roots to highlight the similarities between each community. The "can do" attitude demonstrated by Austin’s knowledge sector resembles the resurgence that transformed Moncton into a knowledge industry hub in the 90’s.

Yours truly presented the inaugural "Rising Stars Pioneer" award to Stephen Palmer or Whitehill Technologies for his commitment to mentorship and promotion of NB's knowledge industry talent.

For the fourth year in a row, the nominees were outstanding! Anyone who thinks that we lack brainpower in this province seriously needs to look at the list of nominees from this year. (Click Here).

Congrats to all the winners and especially to EGM and the volunteers for organizing a great event!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Les Étoiles Montantes 2006/The 2006 Rising Stars

Et le récipiendaire est …

Les Étoiles Montantes 2006 de l’industrie du savoir au Nouveau Brunswick seront annoncées le mercredi 27 septembre au Delta Beauséjour à Moncton.

Le programme des Étoiles Montantes est dédié à la reconnaissance des individus œuvrant dans l’industrie du savoir au Nouveau Brunswick. Ces individus, de tous les coins de la province sont mis en candidature pour leurs accomplissements et leurs contributions auprès de l’industrie du savoir et au sein de leur communauté. L’objectif du programme est de contribuer au développement de carrière des individus par l’entremise de reconnaissance, mentorat et réseautage. Entre-autre, les récipiendaires d’Étoiles Montantes participeront à un programme de mentorat pour une année complète. Le programme des Étoiles Montantes en est à sa quatrième année de succès, venez encourager les candidats et célébrer les récipiendaires d’Étoiles Montantes 2006.

La formule d’inscription.

And the winner is...

The 2006 Rising Stars of New Brunswick's Knowledge Industry will be announced on Wednesday, September 27th at the Delta Beauséjour in Moncton.

Rising Stars is a recognition program for individuals working within New Brunswick's Knowledge Industry. Individuals from all across New Brunswick are nominated for their superlative work and contribution to both the industry and their community. The program strives to target three goals: recognition, mentorship and networking. Winners, and to lesser extent nominees, can then participate in a year-long mentorship program. Now in its fourth year, Rising Stars is celebrating this year's nominees during an evening event. Join businesses, academia, government, and Rising Star alumni as the 2006 Stars are announced.

Registration form

Monday, September 11, 2006

Rumble Update

We'll the Road Hockey Rumble taping took place over the weekend and it was a blast! Except the part where the Geeks got roled over in the game... But aside from that Callum and Mark, RHR hosts, put on a great display of infantile behavior to take their rivalry to the next level. The cast was also a blast to work with.

The show will begin airing on the Outdoor Life Network in January and the Moncton episode will air in March. The show is cross between Trailer Park Boys and Kenny vs. Spenny.

On a final note, I asked the crew why they had picked Moncton... Their answer was for 2 reasons. The first was that they looked for cities that underwent a miraculeous transformation in the last 20 years. The second guessed it Geeks on Ice! They loved the concept and even want to come back to take part in GOI.

I will let everyone know when the show airs in March, but watch out for the DVD boxset.

Here are some of my pics:

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Rumble Match up Set for Sunday

The Road Hockey Rumble production team is in Moncton and have begun shooting the "Geeks vs. Railroad" episode. Callum has drafted the Geek team to represent him in a "Knock'm Sock'm" ball hockey match. Playing for the Geeks will be:

  • Trevor Macausland
  • Ryan Sorrey
  • Ken Leblanc
  • Dale Betts

The game will be held on Sunday beginning at Noon at the marche Moncton Farmers Market off Main Street. Anyone wishing to watch is invited to attend. Cost of admission is free, plus you get to be on tv!

Road Hockey Rumble ( features 2 hosts that hit the road, playing their way across Canada in a 13 game grudge match series of Road Hockey. In the process, they tap into the rivalries, legends and elbow-to-the-face grit of Canada’s most colorful and competitive towns. Friends in life but rivals on the Road Hockey court, the hosts will draft their own team of locals and duke it out in a balls-out rumble on the asphalt jungle. For Moncton, it's the Geeks (Knowledge Industry) vs. Railroad!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Geeks to Rumble

We'll it's confirmed for the week of Sept 4th. The Geeks of Metro Moncton take on the Tradesmen of Old Moncton in a game of old fashioned "Knock'em Sock'em" road hockey at the marche farmers market off Main St. on the weekend of the September 9th.

The reason? Paperny Films is shooting a new television show across Canada called "Road Hockey Rumble" that will be featured on the OLN fall schedule. The producers have selected 13 progressive cities to take part in the filming and contacted me a few months ago to see if the Geeks wanted to take on the challenge.

Road Hockey Rumble ( features 2 hosts that hit the road, playing their way across Canada in a 13 game grudge match series of Road Hockey. In the process, they tap into the rivalries, legends and elbow-to-the-face grit of Canada’s most colorful and competitive towns. Friends in life but rivals on the Road Hockey court, the hosts will draft their own team of locals and duke it out in a balls-out rumble on the asphalt jungle. For Moncton, it's the Geeks (Knowledge Industry) vs. Railroad!

Each host will draft a team from the best Geeks and Conductors available to slug it out at Moncton's farmer's market. The Geeks they will choose from include:

  • Trevor "Gunner" Macausland - Whitehill Technologies
  • Michael "The Venetian" Nied - Whitehill Technologies
  • Brian "Mr. Big" Coffin - Whitehill Technologies
  • Ryan "Sonny" Sorrey - Whitehill Technologies
  • Ken "The Mortician" Leblanc - Property Guys
  • Dale "The Yak" Betts - Property Guys
  • Gene "Mad Man" Fowler - Fatkat Animation
  • Derrick "The Mangler" Smith - Assomption Vie
  • Mike "The Pope" Ouellette- HRDC

I will post more info to this blog as it gets passed along. Stay tuned, as the Geeks continue their training in anticipation of the event...

Trevor Macausland
Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf Organizer
W: 506-855-0005
H: 506-852-8096

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

NB Geeks Association?

I have recently began working on a new draft proposal for a NB IT association from a post I recently saw on David Campbell's blog title "It's the economy stupid". Based on David's suggestion, I decided to gauge the interest of the IT community on whether there is a grassroots movement for this type of entity to exist. I would appreciate feedback, both positive and negative, on whether you believe this is a valid idea. I have included in this blog a draft proposal of what this entity would look like based on my research of existing models elswhere.


New Brunswick has a thriving IT industry with several clusters spread across the province. Community initiatives like KIRA, Rising Stars and Propel SJ demonstrate an active interest by hundreds of IT employees and companies across the province to organize and provide networking opportunities. The local government as well as those of the province of NB and Canada continue to play an active role in supporting many of these initiatives, which help promote the industry within the province, the country and across the globe. Regardless of the effort by the several cluster through the province, perhaps it is time we propose the creation of a provincial IT association to give the private sector a unified voice. The association will promote public awareness of our sector, the challenges we face and promotion of peer-to-peer networking activities.

Currently, Nova Scotia, PEI, Manitoba, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ottawa, Quebec and Saskatchewan have associations that successfully work at promoting IT in their province and work at stimulating growth in their provinces. If New Brunswick is to keep progressing, the next evolution of each community’s initiatives is the creation of an association that will link all IT initiatives together.

Who would we be?

The NB IT association would be a non-profit, member-funded organization that would provide a voice to IT workers and organizations across the province. The ultimate goal is to help foster the continued growth and success of our technology industry by:

    • Working as an advocate for our industry to goverment.
    • Profile your organization to angel investors.
    • Address the looming labour shortage by working with all levels of government and regional educational institutions.
    • Helping promote and deliver industry-focused events like Geeks on Ice, KIRA, Rising Stars, etc.
    • Providing peer-to-peer networking opportunities like CFO and CIO roundtables.
    • Creating public awareness through positive media relations.
    • Providing awareness to high school and university graduates that there are employment opportunities within the IT industry in New Brunswick.
    • Provide an arena for IT organizations to foster synergy around each other for joint ventures, strategies for conducing business from NB, identifying export opportunities and potential tradeshows.


The association will be comprised of an executive team and a board of directors representing all regions of New Brunswick. The executive would comprise of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Marketing and Communications Director and Public Relations Manager. The number of directors would be determined at the founding meeting, however; the intent is that each region of NB is represented on the board. The association will also contain sub committees that will work to fullfill the associations mandate.


The proposed membership will be modeled after the BC model, which is a categorical rate system. The executive and board of directors would set the model and pricing at the founding meeting.

Corporate Membership
This is applicable to technology-based companies in all technology sectors where 50% of their core business is the development and/or distribution of technology.

Associate Membership

This is applicable to all service-related businesses that support the technology industry, such as Financial and Legal services, Recruiting and Human Resources, Business Consultants, Marketing and Communications.

Agency Membership

Applicable to all Crown corporations, government departments or ministries, educational institutions, and other associations affiliated with the technology community.

Why Should I Join?

The New Brunswick IT sector needs a voice that will advocate to key community stakeholders the priorities and challenges that corporations identify as a hurdle to grow their client base and continue to grow. By joining, your organization will market itself to peers, which will result in an exchange of knowledge and growth of your network while also identifying potential opportunities for your firm. Promotion of our industry and creating a public support net for corporations and workers will raise local, national and international awareness. This awareness will enhance NB's IT sector with recruitment and retention to our province as well as expose our sector to foreign investors and immigrants.

Next Steps

The next steps in the process are to qualify the interest from the technology community in joining such an association. Individuals interested will be contacted for a follow up meeting to discuss the formal creation of an association and the election of an executive team and board of directors. There needs to be a minimum of 15 individuals to make this happen. If you are interested, please contact Trevor Macausland before August 15, 2006 at ( or 852-8096.

Geeks and Suits Wanted

Dear Geeks and Suits,

It is hard to believe that 4 months have past since we crowned Property Guys the 2006 Geeks on Ice champions at the Moncton 4 Plex. The event was a tremendous success for the Moncton non-profit organization Support for Single Parents. The goal of the event is to serve as a networking catalyst and promotion of knowledge industry firms and professionals from all over Atlantic Canada with a goal to promote health and wellness in the knowledge industry while raising funds to purchase computers, peripherals and software for non-profit organizations.

After taking a much needed break for the summer, rumors have begun running rampant as to when or if the 2007 edition of GOI will take place. The Geeks on Ice committee is currently recruiting for a few good "Geeks and Suits" to fill the voids left by some of the committee members who have decided to move on after 3 years. We are currently looking for individuals who want to be involved in a fun and dynamic volunteer environment. Geeks on Ice doesn't just offer participants and committee members an opportunity to meet likeminded individuals from all over Atlantic Canada, it also promotes health and wellness within the knowledge sector while making a positive impact in the community for which we all live and work. To get ready for 2007, we need individuals to fill the following roles:

  • Committee Chair (Possibility of 2)

  • As committee chair, you are responsible for the overall operations of the event. You are a natural at presenting to the public the importance of such an event within our community while working with key community and industry players . The chair(s) will also be the face of the event within the community and oversees all aspects of each sub committee in planning the event.

  • Marketing Chair

  • As marketing chair, you will play a vital role in developing relationships with various sponsors as well as working with the local and national media to garner attention for the event. The chair is responsible for all media engagements, press releases, Geekfest and maintenance of the website.

  • Treasurer

  • As treasurer, you are responsible for all aspects of finance and budgeting for the event. The individual must have previous experience in this area.

  • Geekfest Coordinator

  • Reporting to the marketing chair, the Geekfest coordinator will be responsible for the organization and logistical elements of the Geekfest party.

  • Tournament Logistics Chair (Filled)

If you want more information on any of the mentioned roles above or if any of these profiles are of interest and want to get involved, please contact event organizer Trevor Macausland at or call 506-852-8096.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Breakfast with Champions

The Breakfast with Champions event is the first in a series of breakfast sessions aimed at profiling a local success story in our community. It is an opportunity for those who serve entrepreneurs or are one themselves to listen to how a successful company has made it to where they are today and their plans for the future. It is also, like other Chamber events, a great chance to network. This session will be profiling Whitehill Technologies and Steve Palmer, the COO, will be the guest speaker.

Breakfast with Champions!

The Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce

is pleased to present

The first of a series of Breakfast with Champions!


Whitehill Technologies Inc - Successful Innovation

Guest speaker Stephen Palmer Chief Operating Officer

Whitehill’s Success Story: experiences in creating and growing a successful company.

Can some of Whitehill’s success as a technology company apply to your business?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Crowne Plaza, 1005 Main Street

From 7:30 am to 9:00 am

$24.15 Members / $28.75 Future members / $19.55 Students


Return registration to:

Natacha Pettigrew, GMCC, 910 Main Street, Suite 100

Moncton NB E1C 1G6

Fax: 857-9209


Friday, May 26, 2006

Go Cats!

On behalf of Geeks on Ice, I want to wish the Wildcats good luck tonight against the Giants! Let's beat Vancouver and move on to Sunday.


FW: Molson JCIMM Give-R Friday at Manhattan

Molson and JCI Metro Moncton Give-R
Date & Time: Friday, May 26, 5-8pm
Location: Manhattan Bar & Grill, 125 Westmorland Street
Live Entertainment with Jean Marc
$5 cover charge at the door, all proceeds will go to Hockey New Brunswick and patrons will receive a complementary drink ticket and get to enjoy light snacks and live entertainment.
Also, please note that this months Give-R in Moncton is going to have a small addition.
The Downtown Moncton is hosting a road hockey tournament called the Downtown Moncton Corporate Hockey Challenge. This will be a Give-R affiliated event that will precede Give-R and all proceeds from registration fees will go to Hockey New Brunswick (same charity as Give-R this month) So here are all the details...
Event: Downtown Moncton Corporate Ball Hockey Tournament
Date & Time: Friday, May 26, 1-5pm
Location: Marché Moncton Market
Teams of 4-6 players will play and the $100 registration fee will be donated to Hockey New Brunswick

Amber Richards
Chairperson of the Metro Moncton CyberSocial Organizing Committee
...thinking outside the dot!

JCI Metro Moncton Director of Community


Were you chosen as a Rising Star? Avez vous été choisis comme étoile montante?

To ensure the success of this year's event and to encourage nominations from across NB...

I hearby issue a challenge to all past winners of the Rising Stars Award....


Dealine for nominations extended to Friday June 2nd

Don't can start the nomination process and then invite up to 5 other people to add their comments to the nomination


Pour assurer le succès de l'événement de cette année et pour encourager des nominations à travers le Nouveau-Brunswick...

Je lance un défi à tous les gagnants passés des Étoiles montantes...

LE DÉFI...S'il-vous-plaît, veuillez prendre une heure et NOMMER UNE ÉTOILE MONTANTE

La date de tombée pour recevoir les nominations a été reporté au vendredi 2 juin 2006.

N'oubliez pas...vous pouvez entamer le procéssus de nomination et par la suite, inviter jusqu'à 5 personnes à inclure leurs commentaires à la nomination.

Stephanie Turner
Manager, Investment Attraction and Community Relations
Enterprise Greater Moncton
910 Main Street, Suite 101
Moncton, NB, E1C 1G6
(506) 867-0926 ext 106

Monday, May 15, 2006

Molson Give-R Corporate Ball Hockey Tourney

Where's your team?

MONCTON- Get your hockey sticks out, Downtown Moncton is once again hosting a road hockey challenge all in the name of the 2006 Memorial Cup.

May 26 Road Hockey Challenge for adults as a corporate fundraiser at the Marché Moncton Market.

The Corporate Ball Hockey Tournament, sponsored by Molson Give-R, will run from 1 – 5 p.m. on Friday, May 26 at the Marche Moncton Market.

Companies can enter teams of 4-6 players. The cost per team is $100 with proceeds going to Moncton Minor Hockey.

Following the event, participants will be invited to gather at a Molson Strategic Partner – Manhattan Bar & Grill where there will be more prize giveaways and lots more fun to be had.

Participants for the tournament can register through

Deadline for the corporate challenge is Sunday, May 21, and teams will be announced in the Times & Transcript on Tuesday, May 23.

Check out under the Times & Transcript Downtown Moncton Memorial Cup banner for all these details and more.


Downtown Moncton Memorial Cup
on May 11, 2006

Official Molson Give-R Corporate Ball Hockey Tournament Rules

· Cost of entry is $100 with ALL proceeds going to Moncton Minor Hockey Association.

· Adult games will be 30 minutes in length

· There is a 5 minute break after each game, to be used as a warm-up period for the next teams playing.

· Each team can have 3 players playing at once, teams will consist of 4 to 6 players.

· Each gender must be represented at all times on the playing surface.

· The "puck" will be an orange road hockey ball.

· NO SLAPSHOTS (Goals will be disallowed)

· NO goalie equipment required.

· Any penalty (Slashing, Tripping, High Sticking, etc.) will result in a goal for the other team.

· Bring your own stick

· Gloves are not required, but are suggested.

· NO off-sides.

· The referee on hand will make all calls, unless someone calls a penalty on themselves.

· Win - 2 points. Tie - 1 point.

· The team with the most points in each division will play in the final.

· In case of a tie, the tiebreaker will be goals for and against differential

· Have FUN!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Final Tournament Stats

Please find below the links to all the stats from the Geeks on Ice hockey tournament.

Overall Results
Game Results
Individual Stats

Division Standings
Maritime Cresting Division
Rising Stars Division
Plexus Division
Dundee Sportdome Division

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Open Letter to the T&T and TJ

Geeks Supporting Single Parents

This past weekend over 350 knowledge industry professionals and their families from around Atlantic Canada converged on the Moncton Sportsplex to participate in the third annual Geeks on Ice hockey and inaugural Geeks Golf tournaments. The tournaments have a purpose to promote networking between IT professionals from around Atlantic Canada and raise funds to purchase computers and peripherals for a non-profit organization.

The event was a huge success and rose close to $7000.00 to benefit Support for Single Parents. This investment will ensure that Support for Single Parents can deliver their services to the community in a more efficient manner. A technology investment can be very expensive for non-profits who must justify the expense. The upgrade will also provide users access to technology that most low-income families cannot leverage today to seek help.

As founder of Geeks, I want to thank the community, volunteers, Dundee Sportsdome and the City of Moncton for embracing the knowledge industry’s effort to improve our community. Events like Geeks demonstrate the city’s commitment and leadership of the knowledge industry, especially the IC2 project that will multiply the amount of Geeks in the city.

Special thanks go to Enterprise Greater Moncton, CompuSmart and Whitehill Technologies for their donations of computers and peripherals to Support for Single Parents. Geeks look forward to 2007!

Trevor Macausland
Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf Organizer

Geeks Survey

In order to serve you better in 2007, I would like to ask you and your players to respond to the following informal survey. Copy and paste this post into a new email and send it to If you wish to remain anonymouse, please post the results as a comment to our website ( under the anonymouse alias.

Our committee will take tally the results and report the findings to everyone involved from the committee members to the facility management. Please take a few minutes to help us:

Section 1: Geeks on Ice

1) How was your overall experience? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


2) How were you treated by Geeks on Ice staff? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


3) How was the registration process? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


4) Were the division divided fairly? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


5) Did you like the items in the prize bag? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


6) Do you feel that you received fair value for your registration fee?


If no, please comment:

7) Would you refer the tournament to other companies?


If no, please comment:

8) Would you play next year?


If no, please comment:

9) General Suggestions/Comments:

Section 2: 4Plex

10) How was your overall experience with the 4plex staff and facility? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)

Rate: ___


10) Did you receive satisfactory beer delivery service from the restaurant to your locker room? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)

Rate: ___


11) Did you receive satisfactory service at the Slapshot's bar? How was your overall experience? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)

Rate: ___


12) Was food adequate? How was your overall experience? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


13) Were dressing rooms kept clean?



14) Was ice quality satisfactory? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


15) Was the price of "refreshements" adequate?



16) Did you encounter any difficulties with the facility or it's staff? If yes, please respond.



Section 3: General Hockey

17) Should the slapshot rule be changed?



18) Was competion level adequate?



19) Was officiating adequate? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


Section 4: General Feedback


Thank you for responding to our survey and our committee will analyse the information and make the proper adjustments for next year's tournament.

Trevor Macausland
Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf Organizer
W: 506-855-0005
H: 506-852-8096

2006 Geeks Photo Album

Below is the link to the Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf photo album. If you have any pictures to add, please forward them to

Click Here:

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Geeks Raise $7000.00 for Single Parents walks away with the Whitehill Cup

Moncton, New Brunswick – Property are the top Geeks on Ice for 2006, but the real story is how charitable all the Geeks were, raising almost $7,000 in cash and computer equipment for Support to Single Parents in Moncton.

"This has been our best fundraiser, ever!” exclaimed Nancy Hartling, Executive Director of Support to Single Parents. “The support from Geeks on Ice has surpassed our wildest dreams. They were able to help us by obtaining donated computer equipment, and the money raised from the raffle and silent auction were icing on the cake.”

The committee announced on Saturday that they received $4,000.00 worth of computer equipment from Enterprise Greater Moncton, Whitehill Technologies, Inc., Xerox and CompuSmart while another $2,500.00 in funds went to purchase the remaining equipment needed.

“In addition, we have built a network of new community partners in the IT field, which a win/win situation for everyone. The GOI Team are tops and we are extremely grateful for this opportunity!" finished Hartling.

Organizers also named Moncton’s HRDC the “’Rising Stars’ Most Charitable Team” for the second year in a row and awarded Miramichi’s Fatkat Animation with the sportsmanship award.

“We had a great time at Geeks on Ice 2006,” said Ken Leblanc from winning team, “I have played in a number of hockey tournaments over the years and this is by far one of the best organized events I have had the pleasure of participating in. It was professional, competitive, entertaining, but most of all fun. I tip my hat to the organizers for a job well done and can’t wait to get on the ice again next year!”

The event has doubled in size within 3 years and organizers look to grow the event for 2007. “Over 350 players and their families attended the event and contributed to the local economy,” says Trevor MacAusland, Geeks on Ice founder. Local economic spin off from the event is estimated to be over $20,000 from restaurants, hotels, ice rental and bar sales. “Geeks work hard, but play harder!” says MacAusland.

Organizers also held a Geeks Golf tournament at the Dundee Sportsdome that featured 11 teams. Plexus Connectivity walked away with the title by defeating the team from the City of Moncton in a sudden death match.

2006 Sponsors included Maritime Cresting, Plexus Connectivity Solutions, Whitehill Technologies, Inc., Enterprise Greater Moncton, RBC Financial Services, the Government of NB, BMG Consulting and Dundee Sportsdome. Prize donors included Via Rail, Investor’s Group, Ramada Crystal Palace, and NRC.

Please bookmark to watch for further developments and announcements.

CBC New Brunswick - Programs - Information Morning Moncton - Interview Archive

Apr 21, 2006

Trevor MacAusland , an I T specialist, is the organizer of Geeks On Ice and he explains why it's important to help Support for Single Parents. (runs 5:00)

Click here(Real Player): CBC New Brunswick - Programs - Information Morning Moncton - Interview Archive

Special Thanks

The 2006 Geeks on Ice committee would like to extend a special thanks to the following individuals for supporting our great event:

Nancy Hartling, Executive Director of Support for Single Parents
The Hon. Wayne Steeves, Minister of Public Safety

Jules Leger, Dundee Sportsdome President
Doug Robertson, City of Moncton Councillor

Moncton Crescent MLA, John Betts (

Hansen Photo

Rod Poirier, Darryl Leger and Luc Gaudet Pose for the Whitehill Geeks Picture Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 24, 2006

Property Guys Capture Whitehill Cup

Moncton- captured the Whitehill Cup on Sunday by defeating Canada Post 4 to 1 in a thrilling final. Matt Leduc of PropertyGuys was awarded the Business NB MVP by BNB representative Mathieu Brideau. PropertyGuys captain Jeremy Dumont was presented the Whitehill Cup by Moncton Crescent MLA John Betts. Each player on the winning team received the official Plexus Geeks on Ice Champions Golf shirt presented by Diane Leblanc of Plexus Connectivity.

In other happenings, HRDC defended their title of the Rising Stars ( "Most Generous Team" award by donating $401.00 on top of $50.00 in raffle ticket purchases. Miramichi's Fatkat Moose-Touchers were the talk of the tournament and were crowned "Most Sportsmanlike".

Organizers estimate that the event raised $2500.00 in funds that will go to Support for Single Parents while $4000.00 in computer equipement and peripherials were also donated to the non-profit organization by Enterprise Greater Moncton, Whitehill Technologies, CompuSmart and Xerox.

Organizers look to grow the tournament again in 2007.

Most Sportsmanlike

The Miramichi Fatkat Moose-Touchers were named the "Most Sportmanlike" team at the 2006 Geeks on Ice tournament. Geeks on Ice founder Trevor Macausland says: "Fatkat exhibited the true spirit of what Geeks on Ice is all about. Every team in the tournament commented on the positive spirit that the Moose-Touchers demonstrated and definitely merit the honors bestowed on them. They are a class act!".

More pics here:

Sunday, April 23, 2006

More Pics

More to follow...

 Posted by Picasa

Whitehill Celebrates a Win..

Posted by Picasa

Geeks Pictures One

The Memorial Cup makes an appearance at the Rising Stars nomination kick off.

Brian Coffin and Darryl Leger after their game vs OAOT.

Darryl Leger, the inspiration for the Geeks on Ice logo...

Darryl shows off his Dieppe Industrial league trophy. Posted by Picasa

Champions Crowned defeated Canada Post 4 to 1 on Sunday to capture the 2006 Geeks on Ice hockey tournament. Watch highlights from the game on CTV news at 6PM on Sunday.

Plexus defeated the City of Moncton to capture the inaugural Geeks Golf championship in a sudden death matchup.

Congrats to both champs and check the website for updates.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Geeks on Ice: Friday Night Games

C 5:00 PM Assomption Vie vs. Evolving Sol'ns(Puck Drop)
D 6:00 PM HRDC vs. Plexus
C 6:15 PM Dovico vs. Beauséjour Health
D 7:15 PM SDI vs. Xerox 1
C 7:30 PM PropertyGuys vs. Spielo
D 8:30 PM Xerox 2 vs. Brovada
C 8:45 PM OAOT vs. Whitehill
D 9:45 PM Canada Post vs. Fatkat Animation


Date : le 27 septembre 2006

En ligne sur le site

Une fois de plus, le Réseau de l’industrie du savoir du Grand Moncton parraine l’événement néo-brunswickois « Étoiles montantes » visant à mettre en valeur les travailleurs du savoir.

Il y a des « étoiles » parmi nous et nous avons besoin de votre aide pour les dénicher! « Les gens que nous cherchons sont les héros méconnus de l’industrie du savoir du Nouveau-Brunswick », a déclaré la coordonnatrice de l’événement de cette année, Stephanie Turner. Et nous ne parlons pas uniquement des développeurs de logiciel ni même des gens qui travaillent dans des firmes traditionnelles de TI. Au Nouveau-Brunswick, des centaines d’entreprises emploient des travailleurs de la haute technologie. Nous voulons trouver ces travailleurs et célébrer leur apport à l’industrie du savoir du Nouveau-Brunswick. »

Prenez l’exemple de Gino Legacy, qui a été choisi Étoile émergente en 2005. Gino est l’analyste principal en TI (Atlantique/Québec) pour Pepsi Bottling Group. Il a dit : « Le programme Étoiles émergentes m’a aidé à agrandir mon réseau de contacts liés à l’industrie du savoir. Comme je travaille pour une firme non axée sur les TI, je n’ai pas autant d’occasions de socialiser avec des personnes de

l’industrie du savoir. Les nombreuses activités organisées dans le cadre du programme Étoiles montantes m’a justement offert cette possibilité. Le programme de mentorat Étoiles montantes m’a ouvert les yeux sur de nombreuses possibilités futures que je n’aurais peut-être pas pu connaître autrement. »

La soirée de gala de cette année aura lieu le 27 septembre. Après avoir été choisies, les étoiles montantes de cette année se joindront aux 37 étoiles émergentes des années précédentes dans le cadre d’un programme de mentorat de huit mois.

Le programme Étoiles montantes a été créé pour reconnaître le talent que nous avons dans la province et pour offrir une possibilité de perfectionnement professionnel et de réseautage grâce à l’apport de collègues de l’industrie du savoir. Si ces personnes talentueuses sentent que leur apport est apprécié, elles seront plus susceptibles de demeurer dans la province et de contribuer à la prospérité à long terme de la province.

L’appel des candidatures commencera le 21 avril à 16 h dans le cadre d’une cérémonie officielle durant le tournoi Geeks on Ice.

Événement : Lancement de l’appel des candidatures Étoiles montantes 2006
Date : Vendredi 21 avril 2006
Endroit : Slapshot Bar and Grill (Patinoire du Centre 4-glaces Tim Hortons au Sportplexe du CN).

Le Réseau de l’industrie du savoir du Grand Moncton (RISGM) se compose d’entreprises du secteur privé de la région qui se sont réunies (avec l’aide d’Entreprise Grand Moncton) d’une manière organisée afin de promouvoir le secteur.

Pour obtenir de l’information au sujet des candidatures ou des possibilités de commandite, visitez le site


Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements ou pour obtenir une copie anglaise du présent communiqué, veuillez communiquer avec Stephanie Turner, Coordonnatrice du Comité des étoiles montantes.
Tél. : (506) 867-0926, poste 106;