Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Geeks to Rumble

We'll it's confirmed for the week of Sept 4th. The Geeks of Metro Moncton take on the Tradesmen of Old Moncton in a game of old fashioned "Knock'em Sock'em" road hockey at the marche farmers market off Main St. on the weekend of the September 9th.

The reason? Paperny Films is shooting a new television show across Canada called "Road Hockey Rumble" that will be featured on the OLN fall schedule. The producers have selected 13 progressive cities to take part in the filming and contacted me a few months ago to see if the Geeks wanted to take on the challenge.

Road Hockey Rumble (http://www.roadhockeyrumble.com/) features 2 hosts that hit the road, playing their way across Canada in a 13 game grudge match series of Road Hockey. In the process, they tap into the rivalries, legends and elbow-to-the-face grit of Canada’s most colorful and competitive towns. Friends in life but rivals on the Road Hockey court, the hosts will draft their own team of locals and duke it out in a balls-out rumble on the asphalt jungle. For Moncton, it's the Geeks (Knowledge Industry) vs. Railroad!

Each host will draft a team from the best Geeks and Conductors available to slug it out at Moncton's farmer's market. The Geeks they will choose from include:

  • Trevor "Gunner" Macausland - Whitehill Technologies
  • Michael "The Venetian" Nied - Whitehill Technologies
  • Brian "Mr. Big" Coffin - Whitehill Technologies
  • Ryan "Sonny" Sorrey - Whitehill Technologies
  • Ken "The Mortician" Leblanc - Property Guys
  • Dale "The Yak" Betts - Property Guys
  • Gene "Mad Man" Fowler - Fatkat Animation
  • Derrick "The Mangler" Smith - Assomption Vie
  • Mike "The Pope" Ouellette- HRDC

I will post more info to this blog as it gets passed along. Stay tuned, as the Geeks continue their training in anticipation of the event...

Trevor Macausland
Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf Organizer
W: 506-855-0005
H: 506-852-8096
Email: tmacausland@gmail.com

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

NB Geeks Association?

I have recently began working on a new draft proposal for a NB IT association from a post I recently saw on David Campbell's blog title "It's the economy stupid". Based on David's suggestion, I decided to gauge the interest of the IT community on whether there is a grassroots movement for this type of entity to exist. I would appreciate feedback, both positive and negative, on whether you believe this is a valid idea. I have included in this blog a draft proposal of what this entity would look like based on my research of existing models elswhere.


New Brunswick has a thriving IT industry with several clusters spread across the province. Community initiatives like KIRA, Rising Stars and Propel SJ demonstrate an active interest by hundreds of IT employees and companies across the province to organize and provide networking opportunities. The local government as well as those of the province of NB and Canada continue to play an active role in supporting many of these initiatives, which help promote the industry within the province, the country and across the globe. Regardless of the effort by the several cluster through the province, perhaps it is time we propose the creation of a provincial IT association to give the private sector a unified voice. The association will promote public awareness of our sector, the challenges we face and promotion of peer-to-peer networking activities.

Currently, Nova Scotia, PEI, Manitoba, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ottawa, Quebec and Saskatchewan have associations that successfully work at promoting IT in their province and work at stimulating growth in their provinces. If New Brunswick is to keep progressing, the next evolution of each community’s initiatives is the creation of an association that will link all IT initiatives together.

Who would we be?

The NB IT association would be a non-profit, member-funded organization that would provide a voice to IT workers and organizations across the province. The ultimate goal is to help foster the continued growth and success of our technology industry by:

    • Working as an advocate for our industry to goverment.
    • Profile your organization to angel investors.
    • Address the looming labour shortage by working with all levels of government and regional educational institutions.
    • Helping promote and deliver industry-focused events like Geeks on Ice, KIRA, Rising Stars, etc.
    • Providing peer-to-peer networking opportunities like CFO and CIO roundtables.
    • Creating public awareness through positive media relations.
    • Providing awareness to high school and university graduates that there are employment opportunities within the IT industry in New Brunswick.
    • Provide an arena for IT organizations to foster synergy around each other for joint ventures, strategies for conducing business from NB, identifying export opportunities and potential tradeshows.


The association will be comprised of an executive team and a board of directors representing all regions of New Brunswick. The executive would comprise of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Marketing and Communications Director and Public Relations Manager. The number of directors would be determined at the founding meeting, however; the intent is that each region of NB is represented on the board. The association will also contain sub committees that will work to fullfill the associations mandate.


The proposed membership will be modeled after the BC model, which is a categorical rate system. The executive and board of directors would set the model and pricing at the founding meeting.

Corporate Membership
This is applicable to technology-based companies in all technology sectors where 50% of their core business is the development and/or distribution of technology.

Associate Membership

This is applicable to all service-related businesses that support the technology industry, such as Financial and Legal services, Recruiting and Human Resources, Business Consultants, Marketing and Communications.

Agency Membership

Applicable to all Crown corporations, government departments or ministries, educational institutions, and other associations affiliated with the technology community.

Why Should I Join?

The New Brunswick IT sector needs a voice that will advocate to key community stakeholders the priorities and challenges that corporations identify as a hurdle to grow their client base and continue to grow. By joining, your organization will market itself to peers, which will result in an exchange of knowledge and growth of your network while also identifying potential opportunities for your firm. Promotion of our industry and creating a public support net for corporations and workers will raise local, national and international awareness. This awareness will enhance NB's IT sector with recruitment and retention to our province as well as expose our sector to foreign investors and immigrants.

Next Steps

The next steps in the process are to qualify the interest from the technology community in joining such an association. Individuals interested will be contacted for a follow up meeting to discuss the formal creation of an association and the election of an executive team and board of directors. There needs to be a minimum of 15 individuals to make this happen. If you are interested, please contact Trevor Macausland before August 15, 2006 at (tmacausland@gmail.com) or 852-8096.

Geeks and Suits Wanted

Dear Geeks and Suits,

It is hard to believe that 4 months have past since we crowned Property Guys the 2006 Geeks on Ice champions at the Moncton 4 Plex. The event was a tremendous success for the Moncton non-profit organization Support for Single Parents. The goal of the event is to serve as a networking catalyst and promotion of knowledge industry firms and professionals from all over Atlantic Canada with a goal to promote health and wellness in the knowledge industry while raising funds to purchase computers, peripherals and software for non-profit organizations.

After taking a much needed break for the summer, rumors have begun running rampant as to when or if the 2007 edition of GOI will take place. The Geeks on Ice committee is currently recruiting for a few good "Geeks and Suits" to fill the voids left by some of the committee members who have decided to move on after 3 years. We are currently looking for individuals who want to be involved in a fun and dynamic volunteer environment. Geeks on Ice doesn't just offer participants and committee members an opportunity to meet likeminded individuals from all over Atlantic Canada, it also promotes health and wellness within the knowledge sector while making a positive impact in the community for which we all live and work. To get ready for 2007, we need individuals to fill the following roles:

  • Committee Chair (Possibility of 2)

  • As committee chair, you are responsible for the overall operations of the event. You are a natural at presenting to the public the importance of such an event within our community while working with key community and industry players . The chair(s) will also be the face of the event within the community and oversees all aspects of each sub committee in planning the event.

  • Marketing Chair

  • As marketing chair, you will play a vital role in developing relationships with various sponsors as well as working with the local and national media to garner attention for the event. The chair is responsible for all media engagements, press releases, Geekfest and maintenance of the website.

  • Treasurer

  • As treasurer, you are responsible for all aspects of finance and budgeting for the event. The individual must have previous experience in this area.

  • Geekfest Coordinator

  • Reporting to the marketing chair, the Geekfest coordinator will be responsible for the organization and logistical elements of the Geekfest party.

  • Tournament Logistics Chair (Filled)

If you want more information on any of the mentioned roles above or if any of these profiles are of interest and want to get involved, please contact event organizer Trevor Macausland at tmacausland@whitehilltech.com or call 506-852-8096.