Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Skate for Heart

Skate for Heart is a brand new event planned to help the Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick in its fight against Canada's #1 killer – cardiovascular diseases.

Skate For Heart is a non-competitive team skating event for all skill levels. It will incorporate families, businesses and heart and stroke survivors. This event is focused on increasing physical activity, nutrition, health, fun and fundraising.

What to expect at the event:

  • The Wild Cats & Mascot Wild Willy

  • Survivor testimonials: Mark Black Motivational Speaker

  • Silent Auction

  • Wonderful local entertainment

  • Healthy Living Information booths

  • Heart Healthy Lunch

  • Skate For Heart T-shirt

  • Fabulous prizes: Best Team Mascot, Best Theme Dressed Team

  • Scavenger Hunt for teams and many more prizes all day long.

Where: Moncton Coliseum

When: Saturday, February 23rd, 2008 9am-3pm


H eart and Stroke survivor stories and testimonials at the event will inspire you to skate and to continue to want to help the Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick further it's mission in reducing the incidences of heart disease and stroke right here in New Brunswick.

Why get involved

· This will be an excellent event with lots of fun activities for businesses to team build, friends to share in some fun and families to create lasting memories.

· More Canadians die of cardiovascular disease than any other disease – more than 74,000 deaths every year in Canada.

· Due to lifestyle changes, more children are being affected by cardiovascular disease.

· 40% of Canadians will develop some sort of heart disease or stroke in their lifetime.

· One person in Canada has a stroke every 10 minutes.

· 20% of people die when having a stroke.

Skate For Heart goal

· Skate For Heart has a goal of a minimum of 300 participants. Your help is needed! Help us to keep the circle going, register your team today.

For more information please contact any member of our committee:

Nisha MacBeth: 855-9636


Katie Campbell:

Chelsea Dunfield: 204-0819

Margaret Eaton: 382-6146

Doris Murray: 389-3124

Liz Spear: 386-7742

Nathan Steeves: 852-4535

Beth Stymiest : 382-0629

Patricia Zinc: 860-3412


Monday, December 17, 2007

Geeks on Ice Fan Mail

I love getting mail! Especially when it isn't from VISA, NB Power or Aliant... Over the last week I have received very touching messages of thanks from community leaders concerning our 2007 Geeks on Ice campaign.

This is the time of year to reflect and be gratefull that we live in a compassionate community like the maritimes. The messages are addressed to me, but emcompass anyone who volunteered, played or sponsored Geeks on Ice over the last 5 years.

Happy Hollidays to everyone!


Mr. Trevor MacAusland;

On behalf of the Association Integration Communautaire de Memramcook Inc. and L'Artisan worshop I would like to thank you Mr. MacAusland for providing our organization with such a great computer equipment. It will be put in good use. It is all set up in my office and it is quite a good change. It is very much appreciated.

Thank you for your time and effort in helping organizations like ours.

I am truly grateful and may God Blees You,

Anita LeBlanc

manager of l'Artisan Workshop


Dear Trevor,

I am writting to thank you on behalf of the Boys and Girls Club of Riverview. The Geeks On Ice fundraiser was like a Christmas come earlyfor us. To receive computers like we did was very much needed at our center.

The computers and general office equipment we have at the Club are often donated and not necessarily up to date. This was an amazing donation for us and one that will really benefit the day to day computer needs of the organization.

The programs we offer at the Boys & Girls Club of Riverview would not be possible without the generous community support we receive from organizations such as yours.

Thanks from all of us at the Boys and Girls Club of Riverview and to all of you a Happy Holidays and Wonderful New Year.

Thank you,

Greg Hickox
Executive Director

Friday, December 14, 2007

Geeks to the Rescue...

I was delighted to read on yesterday that Geeks on Ice alumni and Moncton based Speilo, a GTECH company, has agreed to donate a brand new computer lab to Forest Glen School. The article states that the average donation is $15,000.00 in hardware, software and volunteer hours.

Spielo is only the tip of the iceberg for what our ICT sector can do in this region to eliminate digital barriers and place our youth on equal footing as the rest of the developed world. One area that I am excited about is the potential for our Geek Warriors to volunteer in the setup of the equipement. I have asked Micha Fardy of the Geeks on Ice committee to get in touch with Carole Murphy, the district's community schools co-ordinator.

Kudos to Speilo for taking an active leadership role in the community! Send us your stories on how you plan to eliminate the digital divide in our community.

If you would like to volunteer a couple of hours as a Geek Warrior or learn more about the program, please contact Micha Fardy at

Read the article here:

Spielo donates computer lab to school
Forest Glen gets first contribution as a community school

By Aloma JardineTimes & Transcript Staff
Published Thursday December 13th, 2007
Appeared on page A11

Forest Glen School hasn't wasted any time taking advantage of its new community school designation.

The K-4 school was one of 13 schools around the province that received the designation Monday. On Wednesday, District 2 announced Spielo has agreed to donate a brand new computer lab to the school.

District 2 administers English language schools in southeastern New Brunswick....(Continue)

Monday, December 10, 2007

How to make a Geek blush...

Anyone who has ever worked with me knows that I have no problem with a microphone or a crowd. In fact, I enjoy public speaking unlike most people who turn to stone at the thought of getting in front of a crowd. But I do have a weakness… My uncomfortable spot is when people give me recognition. In fact, It makes me blush even if I do appreciate the gesture.

So to my astonishment this morning, I found myself blushing in private as I read on that someone had nominated me as a United Way Community Hero for my work with Geeks on Ice. While I do want to emphasize that a Captain is only as good as his team I want to thank the person(s) whom took the time to nominate me.

At this time I also want to thank everyone that has helped Geeks on Ice become a pillar of the community over the last 5 years.


Trevor MacAusland

Geeks on Ice Founder

Thursday, December 06, 2007

What to get your Geek for Xmas?

As the holiday season is upon us many loved ones are puzzled as to what they should buy for the Geek in their life. has come up with a great list of suggestions. You can view their list by following going here.

If that video didn't help, there's always

Last but not least, there's a Geekman action figure is never a bad idea!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

SportsWire Live - Episode #1

SportsWire LIVE is our hot highlight show that serves up the best of what's going on across the YourTeam Online network. Each month we pick interesting stories from the SportsWire section of YourTeam Online & broadcast them to the world on SportsWire LIVE!

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