Monday, June 12, 2006

Breakfast with Champions

The Breakfast with Champions event is the first in a series of breakfast sessions aimed at profiling a local success story in our community. It is an opportunity for those who serve entrepreneurs or are one themselves to listen to how a successful company has made it to where they are today and their plans for the future. It is also, like other Chamber events, a great chance to network. This session will be profiling Whitehill Technologies and Steve Palmer, the COO, will be the guest speaker.

Breakfast with Champions!

The Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce

is pleased to present

The first of a series of Breakfast with Champions!


Whitehill Technologies Inc - Successful Innovation

Guest speaker Stephen Palmer Chief Operating Officer

Whitehill’s Success Story: experiences in creating and growing a successful company.

Can some of Whitehill’s success as a technology company apply to your business?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Crowne Plaza, 1005 Main Street

From 7:30 am to 9:00 am

$24.15 Members / $28.75 Future members / $19.55 Students


Return registration to:

Natacha Pettigrew, GMCC, 910 Main Street, Suite 100

Moncton NB E1C 1G6

Fax: 857-9209
