Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Geeks on Ice Rumble on National Television

Geeks on Ice members join Mark and Calum on their quest to find the best ball hockey mad city in Canada

Moncton, NB, January 19, 2007: The hub city will be the setting for the 10th episode of Road Hockey Rumble. Each week the hosts, Mark and Calum, draft local players and face off in a game of road hockey! For the winner, bragging rights and beer...while the loser gets punished!

On the road Mark and Calum tap into the rivalries, legends and elbow-to-the-face grit of Canada's most colorful and competitive towns. In the border town of Lloydminster, AB, it's the Albertans vs. the Saskatchewanians. In Toronto it's Torontonians who were born there against players from other Canadian cities who now live in Toronto, but despise it.

Producers picked High Tech vs. Old Industry as the rivalry for the Moncton episode. Moncton’s transformation from the transportation sector to high tech was a natural fit for the show’s storyline, coupled with Moncton’s reputation as a mad hockey town. The producers indicated that they were drawn to Moncton because of the Geeks on Ice group combined with Moncton’s amazing transformation over the last 20 years.

“The show is not for the faint of heart!” says Trevor Macausland, Geeks on Ice Founder.
“While the show serves as entertainment to the audience, the game is very real and the players take the competition very seriously. There is colorful language used between Mark and Calum. The hosts have a very competitive rivalry which projects onto the small screen”.

The Moncton episode airs on the Outdoor Life Network on Wednesday March 17th, 2007 at 9:30 PM, then repeats on Saturdays at 7:30 PM. For more information on Road Hockey Rumble visit their website at

Geeks on Ice is a 16 team hockey tournament focused on promoting networking among technology professionals, promote wellness within the industry and serve as a fundraising mechanism to purchase computers and peripherals for local non-profit agencies. For more information, visit


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