Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Public Information Session Notes

The 2007 Geeks on Ice committee held a public information kick off meeting on December 19th, 2006.

Download Presentation

Here is a summary of the key points that were discussed at the kick off session:

1. Our number one objective is to organize a successful and fun hockey tournament, which fulfills our mission

a. To promote health and wellness (among IT professionals & the community)
b. To promote networking (of IT professionals)
c. To raise money for a local-non profit organization (to support an IT related project / need, such as new hardware / software)

2. While fulfilling our mission another objective should be reached, which is to promote the IT Industry in Atlantic Canada

3. Notes about the Committee Architecture

Appeals Official - A new role for 2007, to act as a neutral ombudsman for major complaints that come up during the tournament, and also to implement any disciplinary sanctions that may be required. Note: Per official tournament rules the on ice officials calls are final, however the Appeals Official will be in a position to take additional actions, if deemed appropriate.

Registration - A suggestion was made that we should identify a specific role for managing registration, on the day of the tournament. We will discuss further at our first committee meeting in the New Year.

4. Additional Volunteer Opportunities

Geeks on Ice 2007 will require additional support at various times leading up to and during the tournament. Such roles include:

Marketing Assistants - People to assist with obtaining and coordinating sponsorship and promotions.

Geek Ambassadors - People to represent the committee at the tournament and the Geekfest social; Go-To people, to answer questions and resolve issues as first point of contact for participants and observers.

Time Keepers - People to manage the clock during the hockey games.

Stats Officials - People to track, update, and post game statistics during the tournament.

First Aid - Have previously used Saint John Ambulance services, and would be interested in pursuing this relationship again in 2007. May also consider Red Cross or other First Aid providers.

Webmaster - A person to take responsibility for keeping the website updated with tournament and IT related content.

5. Committee Meeting - We plan to schedule our first committee meeting in early January, once the Co-Chairs and Treasurer have met to discuss budget.

If you have any questions about how the comittee is progressing, please contact:

Randy Delorey
Geeks On Ice 2007 Co-Chair

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