Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Skate for Heart

Skate for Heart is a brand new event planned to help the Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick in its fight against Canada's #1 killer – cardiovascular diseases.

Skate For Heart is a non-competitive team skating event for all skill levels. It will incorporate families, businesses and heart and stroke survivors. This event is focused on increasing physical activity, nutrition, health, fun and fundraising.

What to expect at the event:

  • The Wild Cats & Mascot Wild Willy

  • Survivor testimonials: Mark Black Motivational Speaker

  • Silent Auction

  • Wonderful local entertainment

  • Healthy Living Information booths

  • Heart Healthy Lunch

  • Skate For Heart T-shirt

  • Fabulous prizes: Best Team Mascot, Best Theme Dressed Team

  • Scavenger Hunt for teams and many more prizes all day long.

Where: Moncton Coliseum

When: Saturday, February 23rd, 2008 9am-3pm


H eart and Stroke survivor stories and testimonials at the event will inspire you to skate and to continue to want to help the Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick further it's mission in reducing the incidences of heart disease and stroke right here in New Brunswick.

Why get involved

· This will be an excellent event with lots of fun activities for businesses to team build, friends to share in some fun and families to create lasting memories.

· More Canadians die of cardiovascular disease than any other disease – more than 74,000 deaths every year in Canada.

· Due to lifestyle changes, more children are being affected by cardiovascular disease.

· 40% of Canadians will develop some sort of heart disease or stroke in their lifetime.

· One person in Canada has a stroke every 10 minutes.

· 20% of people die when having a stroke.

Skate For Heart goal

· Skate For Heart has a goal of a minimum of 300 participants. Your help is needed! Help us to keep the circle going, register your team today.

For more information please contact any member of our committee:

Nisha MacBeth: 855-9636


Katie Campbell:

Chelsea Dunfield: 204-0819

Margaret Eaton: 382-6146

Doris Murray: 389-3124

Liz Spear: 386-7742

Nathan Steeves: 852-4535

Beth Stymiest : 382-0629

Patricia Zinc: 860-3412


Monday, December 17, 2007

Geeks on Ice Fan Mail

I love getting mail! Especially when it isn't from VISA, NB Power or Aliant... Over the last week I have received very touching messages of thanks from community leaders concerning our 2007 Geeks on Ice campaign.

This is the time of year to reflect and be gratefull that we live in a compassionate community like the maritimes. The messages are addressed to me, but emcompass anyone who volunteered, played or sponsored Geeks on Ice over the last 5 years.

Happy Hollidays to everyone!


Mr. Trevor MacAusland;

On behalf of the Association Integration Communautaire de Memramcook Inc. and L'Artisan worshop I would like to thank you Mr. MacAusland for providing our organization with such a great computer equipment. It will be put in good use. It is all set up in my office and it is quite a good change. It is very much appreciated.

Thank you for your time and effort in helping organizations like ours.

I am truly grateful and may God Blees You,

Anita LeBlanc

manager of l'Artisan Workshop


Dear Trevor,

I am writting to thank you on behalf of the Boys and Girls Club of Riverview. The Geeks On Ice fundraiser was like a Christmas come earlyfor us. To receive computers like we did was very much needed at our center.

The computers and general office equipment we have at the Club are often donated and not necessarily up to date. This was an amazing donation for us and one that will really benefit the day to day computer needs of the organization.

The programs we offer at the Boys & Girls Club of Riverview would not be possible without the generous community support we receive from organizations such as yours.

Thanks from all of us at the Boys and Girls Club of Riverview and to all of you a Happy Holidays and Wonderful New Year.

Thank you,

Greg Hickox
Executive Director

Friday, December 14, 2007

Geeks to the Rescue...

I was delighted to read on yesterday that Geeks on Ice alumni and Moncton based Speilo, a GTECH company, has agreed to donate a brand new computer lab to Forest Glen School. The article states that the average donation is $15,000.00 in hardware, software and volunteer hours.

Spielo is only the tip of the iceberg for what our ICT sector can do in this region to eliminate digital barriers and place our youth on equal footing as the rest of the developed world. One area that I am excited about is the potential for our Geek Warriors to volunteer in the setup of the equipement. I have asked Micha Fardy of the Geeks on Ice committee to get in touch with Carole Murphy, the district's community schools co-ordinator.

Kudos to Speilo for taking an active leadership role in the community! Send us your stories on how you plan to eliminate the digital divide in our community.

If you would like to volunteer a couple of hours as a Geek Warrior or learn more about the program, please contact Micha Fardy at

Read the article here:

Spielo donates computer lab to school
Forest Glen gets first contribution as a community school

By Aloma JardineTimes & Transcript Staff
Published Thursday December 13th, 2007
Appeared on page A11

Forest Glen School hasn't wasted any time taking advantage of its new community school designation.

The K-4 school was one of 13 schools around the province that received the designation Monday. On Wednesday, District 2 announced Spielo has agreed to donate a brand new computer lab to the school.

District 2 administers English language schools in southeastern New Brunswick....(Continue)

Monday, December 10, 2007

How to make a Geek blush...

Anyone who has ever worked with me knows that I have no problem with a microphone or a crowd. In fact, I enjoy public speaking unlike most people who turn to stone at the thought of getting in front of a crowd. But I do have a weakness… My uncomfortable spot is when people give me recognition. In fact, It makes me blush even if I do appreciate the gesture.

So to my astonishment this morning, I found myself blushing in private as I read on that someone had nominated me as a United Way Community Hero for my work with Geeks on Ice. While I do want to emphasize that a Captain is only as good as his team I want to thank the person(s) whom took the time to nominate me.

At this time I also want to thank everyone that has helped Geeks on Ice become a pillar of the community over the last 5 years.


Trevor MacAusland

Geeks on Ice Founder

Thursday, December 06, 2007

What to get your Geek for Xmas?

As the holiday season is upon us many loved ones are puzzled as to what they should buy for the Geek in their life. has come up with a great list of suggestions. You can view their list by following going here.

If that video didn't help, there's always

Last but not least, there's a Geekman action figure is never a bad idea!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

SportsWire Live - Episode #1

SportsWire LIVE is our hot highlight show that serves up the best of what's going on across the YourTeam Online network. Each month we pick interesting stories from the SportsWire section of YourTeam Online & broadcast them to the world on SportsWire LIVE!

Click Here to Watch

Friday, November 30, 2007

Get excited. Get involved. Get in on the action

Le français suit.

Any solution to New Brunswick’s economic and social challenges has to start with people – specifically, with new and emerging leaders.

That’s why we’ve launched a province-wide search for 21 young people, between the ages of 20-35, to participate in our 21 leaders for the 21st century leadership development program.
Get excited. Get involved. Get in on the action. Apply to be one of 2008’s 21 leaders for the 21st century. Visit today.

21inc. is a not-for-profit organization committed to creating the capacity for change in New Brunswick by developing the best community leaders in Canada.
Toute réponse aux défis économiques et sociaux confrontant le Nouveau-Brunswick doit être fondée sur les gens : spécifiquement de nouveaux leaders et des leaders en émergence.

Nous avons donc lancé une recherche à l’échelle de la province pour 21 jeunes gens âgés d’entre 20 et 35 ans qui participeront à notre programme de développement du leadership 21 leaders pour le 21e siècle.

Passionnez-vous. Impliquez-vous. Participez. Inscrivez-vous au projet des 21 leaders pour le 21e siècle 2008. Consultez : <>

21inc. est une organisation sans but lucratif dévouée à renforcer la capacité de changement au Nouveau-Brunswick en développant les meilleurs leaders au Canada.

21 leaders for the 21st century 2008

Original '21' aim to create the capacity for change by developing the nation's best community leaders

Moncton, NB - Together with Premier Shawn Graham, 21inc. today launched a province-wide search for 21 enthusiastic and energetic young New Brunswickers to participate in its renewed 21 leaders for the 21st century program - a unique leadership development exercise designed to give new and emerging leaders the tools, networks and confidence to help advance New Brunswick's self-sufficiency agenda.

Born of UNB's NextNB: 21 leaders for the 21st century initiative, 21inc. is a not-for-profit organization committed to creating the capacity for change in New Brunswick by developing the best community leaders in Canada.

Established in 2006 by the original group of 21 leaders, 21inc. Executive Director Tim Coates said: "The 21 leaders experience offered us considerable attention and encouragement. We want to offer other young New Brunswickers the same chance we had to broaden our networks and gain a deeper understanding of our province and its challenges."

Participants in the 2008 21 leaders for the 21st century program will have the opportunity to meet with - and learn from - established provincial and national leaders; accelerate their leadership development by designing and implementing community solutions projects and, importantly, join a dynamic and diverse network of engaged young New Brunswickers committed to their province, and its future.

The 2008 class will be selected by an inter-disciplinary panel of judges. Applicants will be chosen based on a combination of criteria, including: their vision; their academic, professional and extra-curricular contributions; and for their capacity to have an impact on the province and its people. Application guidelines and more detailed program information are available at

"Achieving the kind of large scale transformation we're seeking for New Brunswick means identifying, cultivating and enlisting our next generation of leaders," said the Honourable Shawn Graham, Premier of New Brunswick, acknowledging 21inc. as the first link in this new network of emerging leaders. He said, "21inc.'s 21 leaders for the 21st century program closes an important gap - instilling in our young people a sense of opportunity, community and responsibility here, in New Brunswick. Thanks to 21inc.'s efforts, our province will have a forever-growing pool of promising young people working to ensure New Brunswick remains the kind of place where people want to live, study, invest and raise families."

21inc. is supported by the Government of New Brunswick, the University of New Brunswick, Revolution Strategy, Caisses populaires acadiennes, Major Drilling, Mariner Partners, McCain Foods, Moosehead Breweries, Diversis and the Barrett Corporation.

Event photos and interviews with members of 21inc. and the original '21 leaders' are available.
For more information, contact:

Anne McInerney Tim Coates
(506) 875-4390 (506) 260-8362

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Forbes: Business And Community

Everyone knows by now that I am a big fan of Scott McNealy's vision and ambition to eliminate the digital divide. Since Geeks on Ice has reinvented ourselves based upon the principles of business and community collaboration, I thought I would share the following commentary from the man himself. Enjoy!

~Trevor MacAusland

Business And Community
by Scott McNealy
12.14.05, 6:00 AM ET

We're really just beginning to understand the Internet--a phenomenon that has not only changed the way we do business, with more and more of it happening online, but also the way we think about it.

Who would have thought, only a few years ago, that business leaders have a responsibility to their shareholders to build communities and encourage participation?

Read the rest of the commentary here

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Geeks on Ice plan to take on the world

Annual Metro Moncton fundraising hockey tourney aims to spread to other countries

By Yvon GauvinTimes & Transcript staff
Published Saturday November 24th, 2007
Appeared on page A4

Geeks on Ice is going global with its campaign to provide non-profit organizations with the tools to become more efficient and effective.

The event, created by information and communications technology professionals to raise money for computers and computer software for United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeast New Brunswick member organizations, is widening its scope to include participating of outside firms in the fund-raising and on-ice play in 2008.

Over the past five years, the Geeks on Ice campaign -- which culminates with a hockey tournament in Moncton -- raised more than $15,000 to buy desktop and laptop computers, hardware and software along and offer professional expertise for non-profit groups who might not be able to afford them or the upgrades to help them in their quest.

Among the United Way member organizations that have received help to date include the YWCA, Tantramar Family Resource Centre, Riverview Boys & Girls Club, Moncton Regional Learning Council and Memramcook atelier l'Artisan.

Campaign organizers are calling the 2008 event Skate to Eliminate the Digital Divide where the goal is to close the gap between those organizations with "regular, effective access to digital information technology, and those without this access."

The first step is to rally community stakeholders then work to eliminate this "threat to education, economic development and social services."

Limited access to computers and emerging technologies hamper an organization's efforts to deliver key services, said organizers.

The Geeks on Ice World Championships take place April 17-20 in Moncton and is open to all ICT related firms across the world.

A celebrity player draft for the top four teams will be held. The top teams are those that raise the most money and donates the most expertise to United Way agencies. Prizes will be awarded to the top fundraisers.

The targets for the campaign include traditional ICT market areas in Silicon Valley, New England, Ottawa, Waterloo, Ont., Redmond, Wash., Texas and Europe. Professionals from those areas will be invited to form teams and come to Moncton to play in the tournament or as spectators.

A Geek Week Conference is also planned for the same week with some of the brightest minds around the world expected to attend and discuss such topics as digital divide, web 3.0, economic development, raising venture capital and leadership. Participation to the conference is open to everyone.

The organization describes Geek Warriors as mild mannered ICT professionals who work in consulting, programming, web design, networking, marketing, finance and sales to name a few. Geeks on Ice and the United Way are looking for people to join their steering committee and help with recruiting, fund-raising and the mission itself.
Inquiries should be directed by e-mail to

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

ThinkNB Picture Gallery

Trevor MacAusland
11:13am Nov 20th
Trevor sent you a message.

To read this message, follow the link below:

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Monday, November 19, 2007

From The Press Box

Introducing The Press Box! Your newsletter for everything Geeks on Ice. In this issue:
  • Reaching Self-Sufficiency
  • Eliminating the Digital Divide
  • Answering the Call
  • Geeks on Ice World Championship
  • 2007 Campaign Update
  • Access to Professional Expertise
  • Geek Warriors
  • Rising Stars
  • Help Wanted!

Read The Press Box here

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Geeks on Ice Cybersocial Summary

Geeks on Ice readies the community to face-off against the digital divide

Last night I had the privilege to share a sneak peek of the new Geeks on Ice vision at the monthly Cybersocial. We shared the list of symptoms many non-profit agencies in our region face due to the digital divide. For those who are not familiar with the term digital divide, it is best described as the gap between those with physical access to technology hardware and, more broadly, skills and resources which allow for its use and those without this access.

Attendees heard me explain how Geeks on Ice have invested in hardware and software upgrades, however; without the access to professional expertise these agencies struggle to maximize the full extent of the equipment we provide. Digital illiteracy is crippling to organizations that have to correspond, collaborate and request funding through the electronic forum of the participation age.

To respond to an obvious gap to the Geeks on Ice mandate, our vision committee reinvented the mission to purchase computer equipment and software using funds raised through the annual hockey tournament, offer professional expertise to member agencies and promote community collaboration. In short, Geeks on Ice will not stop skating until the digital divide is eliminated!

In order to fill the need for professional expertise, the United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB was on hand to collect names of volunteers ready to be Geek Warriors who will serve on the front lines in our battle to defeat the digital divide in our communities. These heroes, individuals and organizations, will provide a few hours of their time to lend their professional expertise to local member agencies.

Participants were also very enthusiastic to hear that Geeks on Ice wants to see the group of volunteers evolve into a formal committee which will work towards the creation of a Geek University where not only the non-profit sector benefits from workshops and mentoring, but where small to medium sized organizations can also participate in the process to help our entire economy overcome the challenges caused by the digital divide.

If you are interested in learning more about the Geek Warriors or Geeks on Ice, please send all inquiries to

Click here to download a copy of our Cybersocial presentation.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Do Not Miss Tonight's Cybersocial!

When: Wednesday, November 14th, 2007, 5-7pm
Where: City Hall, 655 Main St, 6th Floor
Who: Geeks on Ice / McKenzie College

"The gap between organizations with regular access to digital and information technology, and those without this access is growing larger in our community. The digital divide encompasses both physical access to technology hardware and, more broadly, skills and resources which allow for its use. For years, Geeks on Ice has invested over $15,000.00 in hardware upgrades for United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB member agencies in order to overcome this gap while providing ICT professionals an organic way to network through sport.

The Geeks on Ice presentation at the upcoming Cybersocial will focus on the group's plan to build a volunteer group of ICT professionals called Geek Warriors who are willing to assist in the fight to eliminate the digital divide for member agencies by developing their skills and resources to leverage the use of the annual Geeks on Ice hardware investment. On hand will be Trevor MacAusland (Founder of Geeks on Ice) and Micha Fardy (United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB)."

Friday, November 09, 2007

Lead The Fight Against Digital Illiteracy

When the province released its much anticipated Non-Profit Task Force report, few who have volunteered for non-profit agencies were surprised by the findings. Access to consistent funding, professional resources and cost overruns have long been issues that have limited the efficiency and productivity of organizations whom provide key services to the community. Services offered by New Brunswick’s non-profit sector are keys to creating an environment of support to our workforce which results in a positive contribution to the province’s economy.

Among one of the key findings in the report was the topic of illiteracy and the challenges this epidemic posses to our economic development. While illiteracy in our province must be addressed in order for this province to reach its goal of self-sufficiency, there is another obstacle that will hinder our role in the global economy if it not addressed. Digital illiteracy is caused by a digital divide between those with physical access to technology hardware and, more broadly, skills and resources which allow for its use and those without this access.

Through a partnership with the United Way of Greater Moncton and Souhteastern NB region, Geeks on Ice has invested in over $15,000 in member agencies in an effort to help close the gap caused by the digital divide in our region. Other organizations, Like the Rogers call center, have donated refurbished computer equipment no longer being used to assist in the fight against a growing divide.

While investment in computer equipment and software has provided agencies a level playing field in relation to technology hardware investment there still remains a knowledge gap for their volunteers, employees and customers to leverage the investment. Digital illiteracy exists among all sectors of our economy and threatens our economic competitiveness on a global stage.

If we confront digital illiteracy, a domino effect will take place in the province that will encourage organizations to embrace the participation age. One digitally literate the community will be able to collaborate with their peers across the globe and reduce operating expenses through the use of open source technologies which enhances our economic competitiveness.

Identification of a digital divide has led Geeks on Ice to challenge the ICT sector to play a front line role in combating this enemy of self-sufficiency. We are asking professionals and organizations who can contribute to the fight to eliminate the digital divide to attend the upcoming Cybersocial this Wednesday evening at City Hall beginning at 5pm. With your knowledge and resources we can bridge the digital divide in our community and set an example for the rest of the world to follow.

Trevor MacAusland


Geeks on Ice

Thursday, November 08, 2007

CyberSocial: Nov.14 - Geeks on Ice / McKenzie College

This month you'll be hearing from...

When: Wednesday, November 14th, 2007, 5-7pm
Where: City Hall, 655 Main St, 6th Floor
Who: Geeks on Ice / McKenzie College

"The gap between organizations with regular access to digital and information technology, and those without this access is growing larger in our community. The digital divide encompasses both physical access to technology hardware and, more broadly, skills and resources which allow for its use. For years, Geeks on Ice has invested over $15,000.00 in hardware upgrades for United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB member agencies in order to overcome this gap while providing ICT professionals an organic way to network through sport.
The Geeks on Ice presentation at the upcoming Cybersocial will focus on the group's plan to build a volunteer group of ICT professionals called Geek Warriors who are willing to assist in the fight to eliminate the digital divide for member agencies by developing their skills and resources to leverage the use of the annual Geeks on Ice hardware investment. On hand will be Trevor MacAusland (Founder of Geeks on Ice) and Micha Fardy (United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB)."

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Wanted: IT professionals

N.B. companies on recruitment mission with jobs in hand

By Kate Wright
Times & Transcript Staff
Published Saturday November 3rd, 2007
Appeared on page B1

OTTAWA - Over a dozen New Brunswick companies will descend on the nation's capital later this month with jobs in hand, looking to repatriate skilled New Brunswick IT workers.

In a joint effort by the New Brunswick's Enterprise Networks and the province's Population Growth Secretariat, New Brunswick companies will host an IT recruitment job fair Nov. 15 in Ottawa.

The fair will be in Montreal on Nov. 14.

Employers will have jobs in hand for IT professionals interested in coming to the Maritimes -- or coming back home.

John Thompson, executive director of Enterprise Greater Moncton, said Enterprise Networks across the province were hearing from member companies that recruiting skilled IT workers was becoming increasingly difficult.

Through consultation with employers, Montreal and Ottawa were identified as destinations with the greatest number of potential candidates for recruitment to the New Brunswick IT sector.

Through this mission, employers will have the opportunity to promote themselves and speak directly with experienced IT professionals, alumni and recent graduates.

"These companies have real jobs available now and by filling them now, we're also opening opportunities for future investment," he said. "If we could fill those, there is the potential for other investments to come into the region."

After a lull in the IT sector over the past few years, the industry has rebounded. In New Brunswick, the IT sector has grown rapidly, leaving a number of new positions to be filled.

While the industry is booming and the province is experiencing healthy growth in new start-ups, Thompson said recruiting bright minds from central Canada, and encouraging New Brunswickers to reconsider work in their home province sends a strong message to the rest of the country.

"We're here in New Brunswick, we have jobs available, there are opportunities here and we want you to have another look," he said. "Even if we recruit one or two people, it's a success.

"There are areas where we can help companies grow and create long-term viability within the region."

Thompson said the mission will be set up like a job fair, with employers eagerly looking to hire.

"I think people will be pleasantly surprised," he said.

Atlantic Lottery Corporation spokeswomen Paula Dyke said many companies in the region are struggling to fill their labour requirements and the company jumped at the chance to expand their recruitment base by looking outside the province.

Like many New Brunswick companies, she said there are challenges in recruiting strong IT professionals and going directly to the talent pool is the best way to recruit the brightest minds.

"Going there means we are able to answer questions first hand and sell the advantages of our company," she said. "At the end of the day we are able to look at pockets of talent and are able to recruit people who have maybe never been to New Brunswick, or are New Brunswickers interested in coming home."

But the mission is also being treated as a way to grow the province's population and encourage New Brunswickers to reconsider employment in their home province.

Business New Brunswick Minister Greg Byrne, who also head's the province Population Growth Secretariat, will also be participating in the job fair.

He said there is major potential in bringing skilled New Brunswickers back home, for both employers and for the province's economy.

"This is the first mission undertaken by the government where we will provide potential recruits and former New Brunswickers with actual job opportunities within a booming sector," Byrne said.

"We expect it to have significant benefits for the province's population growth efforts, which are a key component of our plan to make New Brunswick self-sufficient by 2026."

Byrne is hoping to remind expatriates of the major advantages of living and working in New Brunswick and use that as a selling point.

"It's one of the lowest cost areas to live in terms of housing and amenities," he said. "There are quality of life issues in terms of the amenities we have. We have recreation -- you can be at a beach or on a trail in an hour. We can sell New Brunswick as a good place to do business."

The IT recruitment mission will be held on Nov. 14 in Montreal at the École de technologie supérieure at the Université du Québec and Nov. 15 in Ottawa at the Brookstreet Hotel, 525 Legget Dr. The event will run from noon until 7 p.m.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Every Geeks Fantasy

Mission de recrutement de TINB

Personne-ressource pour l’inscription:
Heather Chase
Réseau Entreprise
Tél. 506-529-5177
Fax : 506-443-0343

NBIT Recruitment Mission

Registration contact:
Heather Chase
Enterprise Network
Phone: (506) 529-5177
Fax: (506) 443-0343

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hockey History Made in Albert County, N.B

Monday, Oct 22nd @ the Hillsborough Arena.

For the first time in Albert County Hockey History, a goaltender has scored a goal in a game of organized shinny.


Players and fans alike are still buzzing over the events that unfolded, late in the third period of Monday’s match in the Hillsboro Recreation League between the defending champion Hillsboro Whites and the leagues newest franchise the Blues.

With the Blues short-handed and desperately clinging to a tenuous 4-3 lead, the Whites pull their goalie with less than a minute to go … With action buzzing in the Blues end, PG’s rookie goaltender Ryan Maxwell goes behind his net to corral a loose puck and then skates to the top of his crease (stickhandling past one of his own defenceman) and then takes a well-aimed shot in true Hextallian fashion towards the empty cage.

With only a half-dozen ticks on the clock, the biscuit goes in the basket and the crowd erupts.

Maxwell’s goal seals not only a 5-3 victory but a moment frozen forever in the memories of diehard Albert County hockey fans on hand to witness history in the making.

As one might expect, captain, President & CEO, Ken Leblanc has been fielding media requests from TSN, Sportsnet, the Globe & Mail, ESPN, FOX Sports and others but will be happy to squeeze in members of the local media who wish to pursue this story further.

For Interview requests:

Contact Ken Leblanc @ – 860-3433 / 870-0744

p.s….Young Maxwell joins a select group of netminders who have scored a goal in deliberate fashion in organized play. Fore information, see below.

Ron Hextall - Philadelphia Flyers - December 8, 1987: While facing off against the Boston Bruins on their home turf, the Flyers were the first team to have a goaltender shoot and score a goal. Ron Hextall made NHL history when the Bruins had their goaltender pulled for the extra attacker: Boston sent the puck into their offensive zone, but Hextall was the first player to get to it. He realized the golden opportunity and whacked it down the ice and into the net. You can see a video of it here.

Ron Hextall - Philadelphia Flyers - April 11, 1989: Ron Hextall also becomes the first NHL goaltender to shoot and score a goal in the Stanley Cup playoffs on this night against the Washington Capitals. Again, while the opposing goalie was pulled in favor of the extra attacker Hextall sailed another puck down the ice and into the empty net.

Chris Osgood - Detroit Red Wings - March 6, 1996: While playing the Hartford Whalers in Hartford Chris Osgood became the third goalie in NHL history to get credited with a goal. But as with Hextall's goals, he shot and scored it into the empty net at the other end of the ice himself. You can see a video of it here.
Martin Brodeur - New Jersey Devils - April 17, 1997: Brodeur picked a good time to become the fourth goalie with a goal. In Game One of the conference quarterfinal playoff series against the Montreal Canadiens (in New Jersey), late in the game with the Habs down 4-2 they pulled their goalie for the extra attacker. He fired the puck down the ice and into the net and the Devils took the game 5-2. You can see a video of it here.

José Théodore - Montreal Canadiens - January 3, 2001: In Montreal, Théodore became the second goaltender to score a goal and get a shutout when he was just trying to clear the puck from the defensive zone with an innocent flick of his stick. The puck drifted all the way down into the empty net which had been vacated by Islanders goaltender John Vanbiesbrouck. He wasn't even trying to score! That year he earned him the Vezina Trophy and the Hart Memorial Trophy. You can see a video of it here.

Evgeni Nabokov - San Jose Sharks - March 10, 2002: On this night Nabokov, while playing against the Vancouver Canucks on their home turf, became the first NHL goaltender to score a power play goal and the first European goaltender to score a goal. From the top of his own crease he sent the puck down the ice into an empty Vancouver net with 47.2 seconds remaining in the Sharks' 7-4 win. You can see a video of it here.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Geeks Launching 5-year Vision Plan at ICT Showcase

For Immediate Release
April 22, 2007

Geeks Launching 5-year Vision Plan at ICT Showcase

Moncton, NB – Most people are aware of the fiscal have’s and have not’s, but do you know about the digital version? The digital divide is described as the gap between those who benefit from digital technology and those who do not.

ICT professionals from across the globe warn that if divides between the digital have and have not is not bridged, goals of self sufficiency for have not’s are at risk. The problem of digital divide is not new to the ICT sector, however; for most non-profit organizations and the general public the issue is not top of mind when thinking about how they interact with business, government or non-profits.

“Many organizations across this region know that they must invest in technology to keep themselves competitive and relevant in today’s globalized economy”, explains Trevor MacAusland, Founder of Geek on Ice. “There is a willingness among these organizations to embrace new technologies, however; there is an enormous gap related to knowledge and training on how to leverage their technology investment”.

For the past 2 years, Geeks on Ice have invested in over $15,000.00 in computer equipment upgrades for non-profits. That investment has helped United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB member agencies, however; the group noticed that most member agencies did not know how to maximize the use of their investment and leverage low cost technologies like open source and VOIP. The Geeks committee has indicated that this issue is not only a non-profit problem, but an issue for SME’s in the region who could export products internationally.

Mr. MacAusland believes that through repositioning the Geeks on Ice vision, their group can attract ICT professionals who are willing to volunteer to help organize or fund a Digital Divide conference in April. The Geek University conference would run the week leading up to the annual Geeks on Ice World Championships hockey tournament in Moncton. Geek University would be open to non-profit organizations and SME’s to teach them on how to leverage emerging open source technologies and showcase the region’s ICT workers to an international stage as the group would broadcast the workshops on their website.

“Our group sees a significant ROI for the entire community if we can help transfer our knowledge of technology to those who might consider themselves technology illiterate” says MacAusland. “Through this initiative, Geeks on Ice will focus on leaving a lasting legacy that will serve as an enabler to self-sufficiency for local organizations and the regional economy.”

The group plans to launch the full details of their new five-year vision at the upcoming ThinkNB ICT Showcase next month. As such, Geeks on Ice would like to invite past participants and members of the public to drop by their booth to discuss their goal to eliminate the digital divide.

To register on line for free, simply go to, click on the REGISTER ONLINE button and enter the following VIP code: TNB160. Think New Brunswick will be open from 9am -5pm on Wednesday, November 21st at Fredericton’s Aitken Center.

For more information on Geeks on Ice, contact or go to


Contact: Trevor MacAuslandCo-Chair Geeks on Ice


Geeks on Ice was founded in 2003 by an employee of a local software company. The purpose of the event was to provide peers an opportunity to network in a market not traditionally known for its ICT prowess. The vision was to organize an annual hockey tournament comprised of teams from across Atlantic Canada. These teams would converge on Moncton, NB annually to participate in an organic networking atmosphere. The objective was to eliminate networking barriers through sport outside of the corporate environment.

In 4 years, the tournament has doubled in size and has branched out to support local non-profit organizations in their quest to keep up with rapidly changing technology requirements. No longer would a non-profit organization’s services suffer due to archaic or absence of technologies.

With 2008 being the fifth anniversary, the committee has decided to embark on an exercise to set the evolution of open source hockey.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Think New Brunswick ICT Industrial Showcase

This is to up-date you on the Think New Brunswick ICT Industrial Showcase taking place at the Aitken Center Complex, Fredericton, the evening of November 20 and day of November 21, 2007.

Now over 50 exhibitors …several more coming!

We now have fifty (50) ICT exhibitors accounting for 85% of available booth space and our focus is now on recruiting target attendees from government departments, agencies, industrial sectors, and businesses in New Brunswick. See all contracted exhibitors on the website.

In addition to ICT companies exhibiting, we are pleased to advise that we will also have a number of important government departments and agencies in the showcase for you to make a connection between their needs and your capabilities. Our focus will to be to aggressively recruit the target audience right until opening evening.

We have sold 85% of our booth space!

50 ICT companies may not seem like a lot …until you look at the list of ICT firms in New Brunswick. Did you know that with the companies that produce ICT products and services, twenty have more than fifty employees, seventy six have more than ten employees, and two hundred and thirty have more than one employee…and that the complete sector has an estimated three hundred and sixty four companies, but a third have only one employee.

We are pleased to report that as of today all but two of our top fifteen ICT firms are in the showcase. We are also very pleased to have an excellent turnout of companies who as a norm “do not do business in New Brunswick” but are coming out to forge new networks, relationships and partners in support of our local industry, and to be on hand for prospective employees looking to enter the industry from our universities and colleges (many are involved in the showcase).

A full account of all exhibitors is listed on the website at

All booth spaces come with a turn-key booth!

Many ICT companies value the turn key package offered when you acquire a booth. When you acquire a booth in the showcase, it comes complete with a professional white hard wall exhibit booth, furnishings, carpet, electrical and hi speed wireless internet. All you need when you arrive is your lap top (and monitor if you wish), business cards, a hand out. Other than that its smile, greet and go meet your industry partners.

While in planning stages we arranged for smaller less costly booths, but, as it turns out, the over whelming preference has been for the larger booths in the showcase.

Booth space includes access to all functions!

Program activities for Think New Brunswick are also included in the booth space cost. The showcase opens for exhibitors only Tuesday evening, November 20 for an exhibitor reception on the show floor for exhibitors to go and meet the industry players in a relaxed setting. Food and beverage will be served during this time (4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM).

Next morning on Wednesday, November 21, beginning at 8:00 AM, a breakfast for exhibitors only will be served on the show floor. At 9:00 am the show floor opens for attendees until close at 5:00 pm. At noon, a lunch will be served on the show floor for all in attendance at Think New Brunswick. Also leading up to and at noon, we will have brief addresses from the Minister of Business New Brunswick and from an exciting key note speaker (to be posted on the website in a few days).

In addition to contracted ICT exhibitors, we are very pleased, and proud to have in our showcase important support groups involved including PropelSJ, CIPS, KIRA (Knowledge Industry Recognition Awards), Rising Stars, Geeks on Ice, the Enterprise Network, Business New Brunswick and others.

Attendees get in free with your VIP CODE!

All exhibitors are given a VIP CODE to pass along to anyone they would like to invite free of charge to Think New Brunswick. Otherwise, the charge is currently $15 for attendees up until show day on Wednesday, November 21, at which time registration is $25. We hope through this process we encourage the right audience attending the showcase. To register as an attendee, you just go to the Think New Brunswick website and register,

We are now focused on marketing Think New Brunswick throughout the province …to key officials in government departments and agencies, industrial sectors and businesses with the explicit aim of raising the profile of the ICT industry to promotion support of made in New Brunswick ICT. The Steering Committee (see website for list) is very focused on ensuring that not only will Think New Brunswick deliver an important opportunity for networking and profiling to ICT exhibitors but we are working to ensure the vision of exploiting made in New Brunswick ICT is turned into reality.

With only six weeks to go, we are well on our way to delivering you the ICT industry a premium business development event that we hope will reinvent itself to a much greater event next year at Harbor Station.

As an exhibitor or attendee we hope to see you at the showcase. For up-dates on Think New Brunswick, check the website daily at

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Who inspires you to do more for your community? / Qui vous incite à faire plus pour votre communauté?

Who inspires you to do more for your community?
Who “answers the call”?

Nominated by their peers, Community Heroes are everyday individuals like you and me, who in some aspect of their daily lives make Greater Moncton and Southeastern New Brunswick a safer, caring, more inclusive place for everyone.

Share their stories so others can be inspired to get involved and make a difference.Send us their name, an explanation of why you are nominating them as a Community Hero and how they positively impact Greater Moncton and the Southeastern New Brunswick region. Nominations must be between 400 and 500 words.

Email your nomination to, go to our website at
or give us a call at (506) 858-8600.

The success of a community depends on the people who live in it!

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”
-Margaret J. Wheatley

Qui vous incite à faire plus pour votre communauté?
Qui « répond à l’appel »?
Nommés par leurs pairs, les héros communautaires sont des gens comme vous et moi qui, dans certains aspects de leur vie quotidienne, font du Grand Moncton et du sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick un endroit plus sûr, chaleureux et plus accueillant pour tous.

Racontez-nous l’histoire de ces personnes pour inciter d’autres à s’investir et à faire la différence. Proposez-nous le nom d’une personne, donnez-nous les raisons pour lesquelles vous pensez qu’elle est un héros communautaire et expliquez-nous pourquoi elle a une influence positive sur le Grand Moncton et la région du sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick. Votre suggestion doit être de 400 à 500 mots.

Pour suggérer un héros communautaire, envoyez un courriel à, consultez notre site Web à
ou communiquez avec nous au 506-858-8600.

La réussite d’une communauté dépend des personnes qui y vivent!

« Il n’y a pas pouvoir de changement plus puissant que celui d’une communauté qui découvre ce qui lui tient vraiment à cœur. » (traduction libre)
-Margaret J. Wheatley

Micha Fardy
Director of Community Development
Directrice du développement communautaire
United Way of Greater Moncton & Southeastern NB Region Inc.
Centraide de la région du Grand Moncton et du sud-est du N.-B. inc.

Tel./Tél.: 506-858-8600
Fax/Téléc.: 506-858-0584
Inspire - Build - Change
Inspirer - batir - changer

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Le Groupe de planification de la technologie publie son rapport de mise en œuvre

Le 25 septembre 2007

Moncton – Aujourd’hui, le Groupe de planification de la technologie de Moncton (GPTM) a publié son premier rapport de mise en oeuvre. Intitulé « Applying the Benchmark », le rapport établit un lien entre les conclusions de la mission du GPTM à Oulu, en Finlande, et la stratégie d’accélération de la croissance économique axée sur la technologie du Grand Moncton. Le rapport, qui a été présenté récemment au gouvernement provincial, met en valeur les leçons importantes glanées grâce à la visite du GPTM à Oulu et présente neuf recommandations précises à mettre en œuvre.

« La vision définie dans notre stratégie vise à voir la région du Grand Moncton se tailler une réputation nationale et internationale en excellence de l’éducation et de la recherche, en succès entrepreneurial et en expansion des affaires internationales dans nos secteurs technologiques cibles, a déclaré le conseiller Doug Robertson, président du GPTM. Notre expérience à Oulu nous a fait comprendre l’importance de viser un objectif précis et de coordonner les efforts à l’échelle locale. Pour que la stratégie sur la technologie soit couronnée de succès, il est essentiel d’harmoniser étroitement la capacité postsecondaire et les besoins et possibilités de l’industrie. Cela a été un des principaux thèmes de notre stratégie et constituait un élément très important du système d’innovation d’Oulu et de son succès au fil des ans », d’ajouter le conseiller Robertson.

Le rapport de mise en œuvre comprend des mesures axées sur l’acquisition d’habiletés et de connaissances, la coordination régionale ainsi que l’harmonisation des études postsecondaires et des institutions. Le GPTM a déjà amorcé plusieurs des recommandations, y compris l’organisation d’une visite à Moncton plus tard cette semaine par une délégation d’Oulu. « Nous sommes très heureux que nos collègues de Finlande aient répondu aussi rapidement à notre invitation, a souligné le Dr Rodney Ouellette, un membre de la délégation du GPTM qui est allée à Oulu. Nous avons hâte de poursuivre le dialogue et de passer de deux à trois jours très chargés avec eux ici dans la région du Grand Moncton. »

Un autre élément clé auquel le GPTM travaillera est l’établissement d’un centre de commercialisation de la technologie ou d’un incubateur, conformément à la stratégie. Le groupe a mis en place une équipe à laquelle il a confié la tâche de définir le concept et d’élaborer une stratégie de mise en œuvre. Des détails à ce sujet seront rendus publics prochainement.

Sur les neuf éléments de suivi du rapport, deux éléments majeurs ont été recommandés au gouvernement provincial pour mise en œuvre hâtive. Il s’agit notamment d’établir l’entité locale « Innovation Moncton » qui aura comme mandat de coordonner la mise en œuvre de la stratégie globale. Cet organisme jouera un rôle vital en appuyant et en créant des réseaux et partenariats locaux, en établissant des liens entre les partenaires institutionnels régionaux, nationaux et internationaux ainsi qu’en guidant et en surveillant la stratégie. « Chacun des modèles fructueux que nous avons examinés d’Oulu à Austin comporte cette sorte de ressource pour mettre en œuvre sa stratégie, a pour sa part ajouté un autre membre du GPTM, Jon Manship. Innovation Moncton veillera à ce que notre stratégie devienne réalité et devienne en outre une ressource locale vitale dans le soutien de la réalisation du programme d’autosuffisance de la province. Le GPTM est convaincu qu’Innovation Moncton deviendra un partenaire clé non seulement à l’échelle locale, mais à l’échelle provinciale, et il sera un atout solide, par exemple, pour appuyer le mandat de créer une nouvelle grappe pour la Fondation d’innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick.

L’autre recommandation majeure présentée au gouvernement demande d’établir un centre d’excellence postsecondaire dans le Grand Moncton. « La stratégie du GPTM a clairement déterminé le besoin d’une capacité postsecondaire améliorée axée sur la technologie qui serait harmonisée avec les secteurs industriels clés, a précisé Doug Robertson. Le concept de centre d’excellence vise à tirer profit des institutions existantes dans le domaine, de leur recherche, de leur excellence en éducation, de leur solide engagement et de leurs efforts coordonnés. Le GPTM envisage un nouveau partenariat d’éducation axé sur la technologie et prenant appui sur la collaboration concentrée et stratégique entre les institutions postsecondaires selon la perspective du programme d’autosuffisance de la province. »

Le concept pourrait comprendre une combinaison de capacité réelle et virtuelle, mais selon le rapport du GPTM, il doit avoir comme objectif explicite de devenir un centre d’excellence en gestion de la technologie, en affaires internationales ainsi qu’en développement des sciences et technologies surtout liés aux domaines clés précisés dans la stratégie du GPTM. Le rapport affirme que le centre doit avoir des liens étroits avec toute recherche universitaire pertinente au Nouveau-Brunswick et la technologie de transfert dans le but de devenir un catalyseur clé en recherche appliquée et en commercialisation.

Le rapport de la Commission sur l’enseignement postsecondaire met l’accent sur l’optimisation de l’utilisation des ressources actuelles, sur l’appui des forces reconnues en recherche et sur la capacité à réagir des localités. De plus, il proposait l’établissement de centres d’excellence pour atteindre ces objectifs. « Nous croyons que notre concept de centre d’excellence cadre très bien avec ces principes, surtout si vous regardez ce que le rapport dit au sujet de l’importance des liens entre les institutions et la capacité à répondre aux besoins des industries locales, a renchéri Doug Robertson. Il s’agit de l’un des éléments fondamentaux de notre stratégie et nous croyons donc être sur la bonne voie en plus de posséder un modèle local solide qui peut nous aider à nous assurer de réaliser notre vision pour le Grand Moncton et la vision de la province touchant la transformation de l’économie du Nouveau-Brunswick. »

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Information :

Doug Robertson
Groupe de planification de la technologie de Moncton

Technology Group Releases Implementation Report

Report: Here

September 25, 2007

Moncton – The Moncton Technology Planning Group (MTPG) today made public their first implementation report. Entitled “Applying the Benchmark”, the report relates the findings of the MTPG mission to Oulu, Finland to the strategy for accelerating technology-based economic growth in Greater Moncton. The report, which was recently presented to the provincial government, highlights important lessons gleaned from the MTPG Oulu visit and outlines nine specific recommendations for action.

“The vision set forward in our strategy was to see Greater Moncton recognized nationally and internationally for education and research excellence, entrepreneurial success, and globally competitive business development in targeted technology sectors” said Councillor Doug Robertson, Chair of the MTPG. “Our experience in Oulu impressed upon us the importance of focus, and local coordination of effort. Critical to the success of the technology strategy is the close alignment of post-secondary capacity with industry needs and opportunities. This was one of the underpinning themes of our strategy and was very prominent in the Oulu innovation system and in the success that city has realized over the years” Robertson added.

The implementation report includes measures focused on capacity and knowledge building, regional coordination, and post-secondary and institutional alignment. Several of the recommended actions have already been initiated by the MTPG, including the organization of a visit to Moncton later this week by a delegation from Oulu. “We are very pleased that our colleagues from Finland have responded so quickly to our invitation” noted Dr. Rodney Ouellette, a member of the MTPG Oulu delegation. “We are looking forward to continuing the dialogue and to three very busy and productive days with them here in the Moncton area.”

Another key action item for the MTPG is the establishment of a technology commercialization centre or incubator facility, as called for in the strategy. The group has put in place a team tasked with development of the concept and implementation strategy and further details on the final approach should be made public in the near future.

Of the nine action items in the report, two major ones have been recommended to the provincial government for early implementation. The first will see the establishment of “Innovation Moncton” as a local entity mandated to coordinate the implementation of the overall strategy. This organization will play a vital role, supporting and building local networks and partnerships, developing relationships among regional, national and international institutional partners, and guiding and monitoring the strategy. “Every successful model we have looked at, from Oulu to Austin, has this sort of resource in place to implement their strategy” said MTPG member Jon Manship. “Innovation Moncton will ensure that our strategy becomes reality, and furthermore, will become a vital local resource in support of the realization of the province’s self-sufficiency agenda.” The MTPG believes that Innovation Moncton will become a key partner not just locally, but provincially, and will be a strong asset, for example, in support of the new cluster development mandate being considered for the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation.

The other major recommendation to government calls for the establishment of a post-secondary centre of excellence in Greater Moncton. “The MTPG strategy clearly identified the need for enhanced, technology-oriented post-secondary capacity aligned with the key industry sectors” said Robertson. “The centre of excellence concept is intended to capitalize on and leverage the existing institutions in the area, their research and education excellence and strong commitment to coordinated efforts” he said, adding “the MTPG envisions a new technology-oriented educational partnership based on a focused, strategic collaboration among area post-secondary institutions, consistent with the province’s self-sufficiency agenda”.

The concept could feature a combination of real and virtual capacity, but according to the MTPG report, must have the express goal of becoming a centre of excellence in technology management, international business, and science and technology development particularly linked to the key domains identified in the MTPG strategy. The report asserts that the centre must have close ties to all relevant university research in New Brunswick, and the technology transfer in order to become a key catalyst for applied research and commercialization.

The report of the Post Secondary Commission places emphasis on optimizing the use of current resources, of supporting recognized research strengths, and strength in community responsiveness. It also proposed the establishment of centres of excellence to realize such objectives. “We believe our centre of excellence concept is wholly consistent with these principles, especially if you look at what that report has to say about the importance of institutional linkages and responsiveness to local industry” Robertson noted. “That is one of the fundamental underpinnings of our strategy and so we believe we are not just on the right track, but in fact have the basis for a strong local model that can help ensure we realize our vision for Greater Moncton and the provinces vision for transforming New Brunswick’s economy”.

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Doug Robertson
Moncton Technology Planning Group

Friday, September 21, 2007

OpenOffice vs. MS Office

I have worked with both apps and I am a huge user of Google Docs. Open source applications help me run Geeks on Ice and collaborate with my team. I see huge potential for open source apps like for the non-profit sector, but the hurdle these technologies will face in that environment is a knowledge barrier.

I witness a digital divide for most non-profit organizations I work with when we introduce new technologies. Many have learned to use MS Office while they were in University, thus get a little scared when the thought of learning new technology (even if both apps are relatively similar) frighten people. That being said, when I first got into the legal document transformation business with Whitehill most firms were using WordPerfect. Now, no one knows what WordPerfect is?

My prediction, Google will bridge their Gmail and Google Docs applications with StarOffice which will offer users a complete business applications suite with built in document repository functionality for free! Imagine accessing your documents from any computer with internet access. Goodbye laptop bag! To counter this offensive, Microsoft will need to move to a thin client (web based) application with offline capabilities to remain current. What do you think?

-Trevor MacAusland

Technology Training: The Nonprofit Viewpoint

Lack of resources often a challenge

"Many nonprofits fear that proper technology training will take time away from critical mission work. Read about how to overcome obstacles to training in your organization."

Read the rest here: Link
Or copy this into your browser:

This article really highlights the digital divide between non-profit and for-profit organizations. As part of a renewed vision for Geeks on Ice, see building a local organization which professionals can volunteer to their time to conduct workshops/training for local non-profits.

The goal is to help them with their struggle to meet growing demands for their services. This new Geeks on Ice vision plan will be released soon and I sincerely hope the community rallies around our goal to eliminate the digital divide.

-Trevor MacAusland

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ruby on Rails Workshop in Moncton

I ran across this on Seems like a group of RoR users are holding a workshop in the Greater Moncton area. If you are interested go to: to register.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Geeks 2007 Wrap Up Presentation

Members and participants of the 2007 event attended a presentation by founder Trevor MacAusland this summer to discuss the results from last year's event.

View it here: Click Here


Monday, September 17, 2007

Geeks on Ice/Geeks sur Glace 2008

It seems forever since we last capped off another successful year of hockey for local geeks. While we have been getting some much needed rest, we are pleased to announce that plans for the 5th annual Geeks on Ice hockey tournament have begun.

While details will soon follow, we do promise that you will be amazed with what we have planned for 2008 and beyond! The world of ICT will never see us coming as we look at filling technology gaps around the globe.

Stay tuned to see how Geeks on Ice is going to try and end the digital divide!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Rising Stars Call for Nominations/Mise en candidature des Étoiles Montantes


Rising Stars Call for Nominations: It is time to Celebrate New Brunswick's best in the Knowledge Industry with the call for nominations for the 5th annual Rising Stars Awards. Known as the signature event of the Greater Moncton Knowledge Industry Network (GMKIN), it is time to nominate the person you know who has made an outstanding contribution to the Knowledge Industry in New Brunswick. It is time to recognize New Brunswick's excellence in the Knowledge Industry through not only recognizing 10 Rising Stars in the industry, but this year six High School students will be recognized as Junior Stars!

2007 Rising Stars Program: The strength of the Knowledge Industry is built on its ability to attract and retain a high caliber workforce. Understanding the importance of recognizing IT professionals throughout New Brunswick, Rising Stars has awarded over 40 IT individuals for their achievements in their profession.

New for 2007 - Junior Stars: This year, the Greater Moncton Knowledge Industry Network (GMKIN) is excited to announce the addition of Junior Stars to the Rising Stars Awards. This year the award, which is aimed at High School students throughout New Brunswick, will be presented to six deserving individuals who have distinguished themselves in fields related to Science and Technology in their schools and/or communities. We want to encourage youth to strive for their dreams and allow them to be recognized for their strengths.
Nominate your Rising Stars on-line at: WWW.RISINGSTARS.CA


Mise en candidature des Étoiles Montantes: C’est le moment de célébrer l’élite de l’industrie du savoir du Nouveau-Brunswick avec la convocation des nominations pour le 5ième Gala des Étoiles Montantes. Connu comme l’événement par excellence du réseau de l’industrie du savoir du Grand Moncton (GMKIN), il est le temps de nominer la personne que vous connaissez ayant réalisé une contribution remarquable à l’industrie du savoir du Nouveau-Brunswick. C’est le moment de reconnaître l’excellence néo-brunswickoise dans l’industrie du savoir. De prime abord, dix Étoiles montantes de l’industrie seront reconnues. De plus, cette année, six étudiants des écoles secondaires vont être primés comme Jeunes Étoiles.

Le programme Étoiles montantes 2007: Le succès de l’industrie du savoir est basé sur son habileté à attirer et retenir une main-d’œuvre hautement qualifiée. Comprenant l’importance de reconnaitre les professionnel de cette industrie partout au Nouveau-Brunswick, « Étoiles montantes » a reconnu plus de 40 personnes pour leurs accomplissements dans leurs professions.

Nouveau en 2007-Jeunes étoiles: Cette année, le réseau de l’industrie du savoir du Grand Moncton est fier d’annoncer l’addition de « Jeunes étoiles » au Gala Étoiles montantes. Cette année le prix, qui vise les élèves des écoles secondaires néo-brunswickoise, va être présenté à six personnes qui le méritent pour leur contribution à l’industrie du savoir dans leur école et communauté. De ceux qui sont choisis, au moins trois gagnants vont être des femmes. Nous voulons encourager les jeunes femmes à essayer d’atteindre leurs rêves et les permettre d’être reconnues pour leurs efforts.

Postez la candidature de vos Étoiles Montantes en ligne au : WWW.ETOILESMONTANTES.CA