Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Nominate a community hero
By Stephanie Kukkonen Times & Transcript Staff
Published Tuesday July 31st, 2007
Appeared on page A2
Everybody knows somebody who makes this world a better place, and now you can tell that person just how much better they make it.
The United Way is once again running its Community Heroes campaign. The campaign gives Metro Moncton residents the chance to nominate a person who makes a positive impact on the area as a community hero.
"When we came up with the idea, we were talking about taking a strength-based approach and not always looking at the negative," says executive director, Debbie McInnis. "There are a lot of great things that go on in our community."
Nominations can be sent at any time through e-mail to mfardy@moncton.unitedway.ca or by going to the website www.gmsenbunitedway.ca. Nominations can also be made by telephone at 858-8600.
The United Way asks that nominations be summed up in 250 to 500 words. Please give the name of the person you are nominating, an explanation of why you are nominating them and how they have made a positive impact on the Metro Moncton or Southeastern New Brunswick region.
"We take whatever people want to give us," says McInnis. "Our kick-off is September 6, so we'll start recognizing people then."
McInnis says it is important for people to know who makes our city such a great place to live. She says what goes on behind the scenes is what makes things run so smoothly, and the people who are responsible for it aren't asking for the recognition so it is up to their peers to give it to them.
The United Way has two goals in mind for their Community Heroes campaign. They want people to recognize all the hard work that people put in to all the great things that go on and so that people don't take for granted the actual great things that do go on.
"It's kind of two-fold," says McInnis. "We're really looking forward to it, it's nice for people to know that their hard work is recognized."
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
One Laptop per Child
The technology is really cool and the idea could be revolutionary. A $100 laptop could tranform the third world.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Award Presentation
Over $4000 was raised by all who participated to purchase IT equipment for Non-Profit agencies throughout Southeastern NB.
Geeks 2008 and United Way Update
I am please to announce that the United Way is continuing their partnership with our group and are keen to add more magic to our unique event. While 2007 was a tremendous success with over $4000.00 raised to help local non-profit agencies with their technology requirements, several points need to be addressed for 2008.
In response to our participant survey, I have began to focus on the following:
1) Level of Competitiveness
2) Registration Costs
3) Communications and PR
4) Stress the Key Goals of the Event
5) Deal with Facility Issues
6) Improve Sponsorship
I will keep posting updates as I make progress and would love to receive input and suggestions on any of the topics highlighted above.
Trevor Macausland
Geeks on Ice Founder
Geeks on Ice would like to thank its 2007 sponsors Whitehill Technologies, Inc., G4 Tech TV, Government of New Brunswick, Wild Rose Inn, Career Beacon, YourTeamOnline.ca and Rising Stars. Prize donors include Red Bull, Aliant, Atlantic Superstore and NRC.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
750 rue Main Street, Moncton
Lunch at 12:00 noon Dîner à 12h00 midi
Guest/Invitée: CATHY JONES
Music/Musique: Crystal Jones, Fiddler/Joueuse de violon & Dave Wheaton
154 rue Queen Street, Moncton (506) 858-1303 hartling@nb.sympatico.ca
985 rue Main Street, Moncton 620 Coverdale Rd., Riverview
1017 Coverdale Rd., Riverview 735 rue Main Street, Moncton
Friday, July 06, 2007
Percée-gagner plus de 200 000 $ en capitaux de lancement et en services professionnels
Fredericton, N.-B. - La Fondation de l'innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick a lancé le programme Percée, déclenchant une initiative captivante à la recherche de la prochaine génération d’entrepreneurs du Nouveau-Brunswick qui comprend un programme de mentorat professionnel intense et la possibilité de gagner plus de 200 000 $ en capitaux de lancement et en services professionnels.
La compétition est ouverte aux résidents du Nouveau-Brunswick ayant atteint l'âge de 19 ans et plus qui ont conçu un produit novateur et qui désirent le faire évoluer vers une entreprise viable basée au Nouveau-Brunswick. Les individus et les équipes dirigées par un résident du Nouveau-Brunswick qui sera également le principal détenteur d'actions de l’entreprise proposée sont invités à soumettre leurs projets.
Les soumissions admissibles seront dans les secteurs stratégiques suivants : l'industrie de matières grises, la fabrication de pointe, les industries de ressources naturelles à valeur ajoutée, les sciences biologiques, l'énergie ou la technologie de l'environnement.
« La compétition Percée encouragera et appuiera le développement de nouvelles entreprises novatrices basées au Nouveau-Brunswick et continuera à promouvoir la culture de l’innovation au Nouveau-Brunswick, » précise le Président et chef de la direction Barrie Black. « C’est l’occasion rêvée pour les Néo-brunswickoises et Néo-brunswickois avec une idée intéressante d’obtenir l’assistance nécessaire afin de faire évoluer leur projet au point de le présenter à des investisseurs. Le programme Percée permettra à la Fondation de l’innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick d’associer les participants aux principaux experts au Nouveau-Brunswick des domaines du capital de risque, du développement de plans d’affaires et de l’entrepreneuriat afin qu’ils puissent obtenir les conseils et la direction nécessaires pour réussir. »
La compétition comprend un Camp d’entraînement Percée qui aura lieu samedi, le 13 octobre 2007, à Fredericton. Cette session d’une journée assistera les participants à transformer leurs concepts de produits novateurs en des possibilités d’affaires viables en leur montrant : comment profiter des études de marché, comment élaborer un plan d’affaires et comment faire une présentation formelle aux investisseurs. Les participants auront alors trois semaines pour rédiger et soumettre un plan d’affaires global. Un jury choisira les finalistes qui procéderont à l’étape finale : l’argumentaire de vente.
Les finalistes seront admissibles de gagner un des trois prix importants qui représentent le capital et le soutien nécessaires pour lancer leur nouvelle entreprise. En échange, la FINB s’engage à souscrire à des actions ordinaires pour chacune des nouvelles entreprises.
Les prix sont :
Prix de platine 100 000 $
Prix d’or 50 000 $
Prix d’argent 25 000 $
De plus, chacun ou chacune des trois finalistes recevra de l’aide en nature en matière de services juridiques, de commercialisation, de site Web et de comptabilité. Une seconde série de prix monétaires sera accordée aux participants qui auront rédigé le meilleur plan d’affaires, la meilleure présentation formelle, le concept le plus innovateur et de l’entrepreneur le plus charismatique.
Les gagnants des prix seront annoncés au Gala Percée qui aura lieu à Fredericton, jeudi le 22 novembre 2007.
« Nous invitons tous les Néo-brunswickoises et Néo-brunswickois avec un concept commercial intéressant à participer au programme Percée et nous sommes impatients de travailler avec eux pour développer des entreprises vigoureuses, » déclare Black. « La Fondation de l’innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick est un accélérateur de l’innovation et de la transformation dans la province du Nouveau-Brunswick et la compétition Percée représente l’extension de notre engagement de stimuler l’innovation et de contribuer à l’autosuffisance du Nouveau-Brunswick. Nous tenons à encourager et à permettre aux gens du Nouveau-Brunswick de réaliser leurs rêves, ici dans la province. »
La Fondation de l’innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick accepte les soumissions à la compétition Percée dès maintenant et jusqu’à la fermeture des bureaux, vendredi le 28 septembre 2007. Afin d’être admissibles, les candidats doivent remplir le formulaire de participation au programme Percée et y joindre le sommaire de gestion de leur plan d’affaires d’un maximum de deux pages en longueur. Des frais de participation de 50,00 $ s’appliquent.
Pour de plus amples renseignements au sujet du programme Percée et pour télécharger le formulaire de participation, veuillez consulter le site Web de la Fondation de l’innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick au www.nbif.ca ou composer le 1 877 554-6668.
Renseignements aux médias :
Isabelle Losier
Directrice des communications
Fondation de l’innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick
Sans frais : 1 877 554-6668
Téléphone : 506 452-7782
Lien: http://www.nbif.ca/page/index/Percee
Breakthru- $200,000 in Prizes Available
June 7, 2007 Fredericton, N.B. - The New Brunswick
Fredericton, N.B. - The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation has launched Breakthru, an exciting province-wide search for the next generation of New Brunswick entrepreneurs that includes a comprehensive mentorship program and the potential to win over $200,000 in seed money and professional services.
The competition is open to New Brunswick residents 19 years of age or older who have an innovative product idea and a desire to develop it into a viable New Brunswick-based business venture. Applications may be made by individuals or by a team led by a New Brunswick resident who will also be the majority shareholder of the proposed business venture.
Proposals must fall within one of the following key strategic sectors: knowledge industry, advanced manufacturing, value-added natural resources, life sciences, energy or environmental technologies.
"Breakthru will encourage and support the development of new and innovative New Brunswick-based businesses and continue to foster a culture of innovation in New Brunswick," said New Brunswick Innovation Foundation president and CEO Barrie Black. "This is an exciting opportunity for New Brunswickers who have a great idea but need a little bit of help to get it from the drawing board to the attention of potential investors. Through Breakthru, the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation will link participants with leading experts in New Brunswick in the fields of venture capital, business plan development and entrepreneurship to give them the guidance and encouragement they need to be successful."
The competition includes a Breakthru Boot Camp, which will be held Saturday, October 13, 2007 in Fredericton. This day-long session will assist participants transform their innovative product ideas into viable business opportunities, with advice on how to make the most of market research, write a business plan and make a formal presentation to investors. Participants will then have three weeks to write and submit a comprehensive business plan. A panel of judges will select a small group of finalists to proceed to the final stage - the business pitch.
These finalists will be eligible for one of three significant prizes that will provide the critical start-up capital and support these entrepreneurs will need to launch their new business ventures. In exchange for the investment, NBIF will subscribe to common shares in each of the newly launched ventures.
Platinum Award $100,000
Gold Award $50,000
Silver Award $25,000
In addition, each of the three finalists will receive in-kind support for legal, marketing, website services and accounting services. A second set of monetary awards will be given to participants judged to have the best written business plan, the best formal presentation, the most innovative idea and the most charismatic entrepreneur.
The awards will be announced at the Breakthru gala event, to be held in Fredericton on Thursday, November 22, 2007.
"We invite all New Brunswickers with an interesting business idea to participate in Breakthru and we look forward to working with them to develop strong businesses," said Black. "The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation is a catalyst for innovation and change in the province of New Brunswick, and Breakthru is the continuation of our commitment to stimulate innovation and build a self-sufficient New Brunswick. It is about encouraging and enabling New Brunswickers to pursue their dreams within the province."
The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation is accepting applications for Breakthru from now until the close of business on Friday, September 28, 2007. To enter the Breakthru competition, candidates must fill out the Breakthru application form, include a maximum two-page executive summary of their business plan and submit a $50 entry fee.
For more information on Breakthru and to download the application form please visit the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation website at www.nbif.ca or call 1-877-554-6668.
For media inquiries please contact:
Isabelle Losier
Director of Communications
New Brunswick Innovation Foundation
Toll Free: 1-877-554-6668
Telephone: 506-452-7782
Link: http://www.nbif.ca/page/index/Breakthru