Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Open Letter to the T&T and TJ

Geeks Supporting Single Parents

This past weekend over 350 knowledge industry professionals and their families from around Atlantic Canada converged on the Moncton Sportsplex to participate in the third annual Geeks on Ice hockey and inaugural Geeks Golf tournaments. The tournaments have a purpose to promote networking between IT professionals from around Atlantic Canada and raise funds to purchase computers and peripherals for a non-profit organization.

The event was a huge success and rose close to $7000.00 to benefit Support for Single Parents. This investment will ensure that Support for Single Parents can deliver their services to the community in a more efficient manner. A technology investment can be very expensive for non-profits who must justify the expense. The upgrade will also provide users access to technology that most low-income families cannot leverage today to seek help.

As founder of Geeks, I want to thank the community, volunteers, Dundee Sportsdome and the City of Moncton for embracing the knowledge industry’s effort to improve our community. Events like Geeks demonstrate the city’s commitment and leadership of the knowledge industry, especially the IC2 project that will multiply the amount of Geeks in the city.

Special thanks go to Enterprise Greater Moncton, CompuSmart and Whitehill Technologies for their donations of computers and peripherals to Support for Single Parents. Geeks look forward to 2007!

Trevor Macausland
Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf Organizer

Geeks Survey

In order to serve you better in 2007, I would like to ask you and your players to respond to the following informal survey. Copy and paste this post into a new email and send it to If you wish to remain anonymouse, please post the results as a comment to our website ( under the anonymouse alias.

Our committee will take tally the results and report the findings to everyone involved from the committee members to the facility management. Please take a few minutes to help us:

Section 1: Geeks on Ice

1) How was your overall experience? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


2) How were you treated by Geeks on Ice staff? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


3) How was the registration process? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


4) Were the division divided fairly? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


5) Did you like the items in the prize bag? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


6) Do you feel that you received fair value for your registration fee?


If no, please comment:

7) Would you refer the tournament to other companies?


If no, please comment:

8) Would you play next year?


If no, please comment:

9) General Suggestions/Comments:

Section 2: 4Plex

10) How was your overall experience with the 4plex staff and facility? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)

Rate: ___


10) Did you receive satisfactory beer delivery service from the restaurant to your locker room? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)

Rate: ___


11) Did you receive satisfactory service at the Slapshot's bar? How was your overall experience? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)

Rate: ___


12) Was food adequate? How was your overall experience? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


13) Were dressing rooms kept clean?



14) Was ice quality satisfactory? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


15) Was the price of "refreshements" adequate?



16) Did you encounter any difficulties with the facility or it's staff? If yes, please respond.



Section 3: General Hockey

17) Should the slapshot rule be changed?



18) Was competion level adequate?



19) Was officiating adequate? Please rate on a scale of 1(Lowest) to 10(Highest)
Rate: ___


Section 4: General Feedback


Thank you for responding to our survey and our committee will analyse the information and make the proper adjustments for next year's tournament.

Trevor Macausland
Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf Organizer
W: 506-855-0005
H: 506-852-8096

2006 Geeks Photo Album

Below is the link to the Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf photo album. If you have any pictures to add, please forward them to

Click Here:

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Geeks Raise $7000.00 for Single Parents walks away with the Whitehill Cup

Moncton, New Brunswick – Property are the top Geeks on Ice for 2006, but the real story is how charitable all the Geeks were, raising almost $7,000 in cash and computer equipment for Support to Single Parents in Moncton.

"This has been our best fundraiser, ever!” exclaimed Nancy Hartling, Executive Director of Support to Single Parents. “The support from Geeks on Ice has surpassed our wildest dreams. They were able to help us by obtaining donated computer equipment, and the money raised from the raffle and silent auction were icing on the cake.”

The committee announced on Saturday that they received $4,000.00 worth of computer equipment from Enterprise Greater Moncton, Whitehill Technologies, Inc., Xerox and CompuSmart while another $2,500.00 in funds went to purchase the remaining equipment needed.

“In addition, we have built a network of new community partners in the IT field, which a win/win situation for everyone. The GOI Team are tops and we are extremely grateful for this opportunity!" finished Hartling.

Organizers also named Moncton’s HRDC the “’Rising Stars’ Most Charitable Team” for the second year in a row and awarded Miramichi’s Fatkat Animation with the sportsmanship award.

“We had a great time at Geeks on Ice 2006,” said Ken Leblanc from winning team, “I have played in a number of hockey tournaments over the years and this is by far one of the best organized events I have had the pleasure of participating in. It was professional, competitive, entertaining, but most of all fun. I tip my hat to the organizers for a job well done and can’t wait to get on the ice again next year!”

The event has doubled in size within 3 years and organizers look to grow the event for 2007. “Over 350 players and their families attended the event and contributed to the local economy,” says Trevor MacAusland, Geeks on Ice founder. Local economic spin off from the event is estimated to be over $20,000 from restaurants, hotels, ice rental and bar sales. “Geeks work hard, but play harder!” says MacAusland.

Organizers also held a Geeks Golf tournament at the Dundee Sportsdome that featured 11 teams. Plexus Connectivity walked away with the title by defeating the team from the City of Moncton in a sudden death match.

2006 Sponsors included Maritime Cresting, Plexus Connectivity Solutions, Whitehill Technologies, Inc., Enterprise Greater Moncton, RBC Financial Services, the Government of NB, BMG Consulting and Dundee Sportsdome. Prize donors included Via Rail, Investor’s Group, Ramada Crystal Palace, and NRC.

Please bookmark to watch for further developments and announcements.

CBC New Brunswick - Programs - Information Morning Moncton - Interview Archive

Apr 21, 2006

Trevor MacAusland , an I T specialist, is the organizer of Geeks On Ice and he explains why it's important to help Support for Single Parents. (runs 5:00)

Click here(Real Player): CBC New Brunswick - Programs - Information Morning Moncton - Interview Archive

Special Thanks

The 2006 Geeks on Ice committee would like to extend a special thanks to the following individuals for supporting our great event:

Nancy Hartling, Executive Director of Support for Single Parents
The Hon. Wayne Steeves, Minister of Public Safety

Jules Leger, Dundee Sportsdome President
Doug Robertson, City of Moncton Councillor

Moncton Crescent MLA, John Betts (

Hansen Photo

Rod Poirier, Darryl Leger and Luc Gaudet Pose for the Whitehill Geeks Picture Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 24, 2006

Property Guys Capture Whitehill Cup

Moncton- captured the Whitehill Cup on Sunday by defeating Canada Post 4 to 1 in a thrilling final. Matt Leduc of PropertyGuys was awarded the Business NB MVP by BNB representative Mathieu Brideau. PropertyGuys captain Jeremy Dumont was presented the Whitehill Cup by Moncton Crescent MLA John Betts. Each player on the winning team received the official Plexus Geeks on Ice Champions Golf shirt presented by Diane Leblanc of Plexus Connectivity.

In other happenings, HRDC defended their title of the Rising Stars ( "Most Generous Team" award by donating $401.00 on top of $50.00 in raffle ticket purchases. Miramichi's Fatkat Moose-Touchers were the talk of the tournament and were crowned "Most Sportsmanlike".

Organizers estimate that the event raised $2500.00 in funds that will go to Support for Single Parents while $4000.00 in computer equipement and peripherials were also donated to the non-profit organization by Enterprise Greater Moncton, Whitehill Technologies, CompuSmart and Xerox.

Organizers look to grow the tournament again in 2007.

Most Sportsmanlike

The Miramichi Fatkat Moose-Touchers were named the "Most Sportmanlike" team at the 2006 Geeks on Ice tournament. Geeks on Ice founder Trevor Macausland says: "Fatkat exhibited the true spirit of what Geeks on Ice is all about. Every team in the tournament commented on the positive spirit that the Moose-Touchers demonstrated and definitely merit the honors bestowed on them. They are a class act!".

More pics here:

Sunday, April 23, 2006

More Pics

More to follow...

 Posted by Picasa

Whitehill Celebrates a Win..

Posted by Picasa

Geeks Pictures One

The Memorial Cup makes an appearance at the Rising Stars nomination kick off.

Brian Coffin and Darryl Leger after their game vs OAOT.

Darryl Leger, the inspiration for the Geeks on Ice logo...

Darryl shows off his Dieppe Industrial league trophy. Posted by Picasa

Champions Crowned defeated Canada Post 4 to 1 on Sunday to capture the 2006 Geeks on Ice hockey tournament. Watch highlights from the game on CTV news at 6PM on Sunday.

Plexus defeated the City of Moncton to capture the inaugural Geeks Golf championship in a sudden death matchup.

Congrats to both champs and check the website for updates.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Geeks on Ice: Friday Night Games

C 5:00 PM Assomption Vie vs. Evolving Sol'ns(Puck Drop)
D 6:00 PM HRDC vs. Plexus
C 6:15 PM Dovico vs. Beauséjour Health
D 7:15 PM SDI vs. Xerox 1
C 7:30 PM PropertyGuys vs. Spielo
D 8:30 PM Xerox 2 vs. Brovada
C 8:45 PM OAOT vs. Whitehill
D 9:45 PM Canada Post vs. Fatkat Animation


Date : le 27 septembre 2006

En ligne sur le site

Une fois de plus, le Réseau de l’industrie du savoir du Grand Moncton parraine l’événement néo-brunswickois « Étoiles montantes » visant à mettre en valeur les travailleurs du savoir.

Il y a des « étoiles » parmi nous et nous avons besoin de votre aide pour les dénicher! « Les gens que nous cherchons sont les héros méconnus de l’industrie du savoir du Nouveau-Brunswick », a déclaré la coordonnatrice de l’événement de cette année, Stephanie Turner. Et nous ne parlons pas uniquement des développeurs de logiciel ni même des gens qui travaillent dans des firmes traditionnelles de TI. Au Nouveau-Brunswick, des centaines d’entreprises emploient des travailleurs de la haute technologie. Nous voulons trouver ces travailleurs et célébrer leur apport à l’industrie du savoir du Nouveau-Brunswick. »

Prenez l’exemple de Gino Legacy, qui a été choisi Étoile émergente en 2005. Gino est l’analyste principal en TI (Atlantique/Québec) pour Pepsi Bottling Group. Il a dit : « Le programme Étoiles émergentes m’a aidé à agrandir mon réseau de contacts liés à l’industrie du savoir. Comme je travaille pour une firme non axée sur les TI, je n’ai pas autant d’occasions de socialiser avec des personnes de

l’industrie du savoir. Les nombreuses activités organisées dans le cadre du programme Étoiles montantes m’a justement offert cette possibilité. Le programme de mentorat Étoiles montantes m’a ouvert les yeux sur de nombreuses possibilités futures que je n’aurais peut-être pas pu connaître autrement. »

La soirée de gala de cette année aura lieu le 27 septembre. Après avoir été choisies, les étoiles montantes de cette année se joindront aux 37 étoiles émergentes des années précédentes dans le cadre d’un programme de mentorat de huit mois.

Le programme Étoiles montantes a été créé pour reconnaître le talent que nous avons dans la province et pour offrir une possibilité de perfectionnement professionnel et de réseautage grâce à l’apport de collègues de l’industrie du savoir. Si ces personnes talentueuses sentent que leur apport est apprécié, elles seront plus susceptibles de demeurer dans la province et de contribuer à la prospérité à long terme de la province.

L’appel des candidatures commencera le 21 avril à 16 h dans le cadre d’une cérémonie officielle durant le tournoi Geeks on Ice.

Événement : Lancement de l’appel des candidatures Étoiles montantes 2006
Date : Vendredi 21 avril 2006
Endroit : Slapshot Bar and Grill (Patinoire du Centre 4-glaces Tim Hortons au Sportplexe du CN).

Le Réseau de l’industrie du savoir du Grand Moncton (RISGM) se compose d’entreprises du secteur privé de la région qui se sont réunies (avec l’aide d’Entreprise Grand Moncton) d’une manière organisée afin de promouvoir le secteur.

Pour obtenir de l’information au sujet des candidatures ou des possibilités de commandite, visitez le site


Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements ou pour obtenir une copie anglaise du présent communiqué, veuillez communiquer avec Stephanie Turner, Coordonnatrice du Comité des étoiles montantes.
Tél. : (506) 867-0926, poste 106;


Event date: September 27th, 2006

On-line at

The Greater Moncton Knowledge Industry Network is once again hosting the New Brunswick Rising Stars Recognition Event for Knowledge Workers.

There are “stars” living among us and we need your to help to find them! “The people that we are looking for are the ”unsung heroes” of New Brunswick’s Knowledge Industry.” says this year’s event Chair, Stephanie Turner. “And we are not just talking about Software Developers or even people working in traditional IT firms. There are hundreds of companies in New Brunswick employing high tech workers. We want to find these workers and celebrate their contribution to the Knowledge Industry in New Brunswick”.

Take for example Gino Legacy, who was chosen as a Rising Star in 2005. Gino is the IT Senior Analyst (Atlantic/Quebec) for Pepsi Bottling Group. “The Rising Stars program has helped me expand my knowledge based network. Working for a non-IT firm, I don't have as many opportunities to socialize with people in the knowledge industry. The many networking activities organized by the Rising Stars program have given me that opportunity. The Rising Stars mentorship program has opened my eyes to many potential future opportunities I may not have realized where available otherwise.”

This year’s gala evening event will take place on September 27th. Once chosen, this year’s Rising Stars will join the 37 past winners of the program in following an 8 month long mentorship program.

The Rising Stars program has been developed to recognize the talent that we have here in the province and to offer an opportunity for professional development and networking with Knowledge Industry peers. If these talented individuals feel their contribution is valued, they are more likely to remain in the Province and contribute to the long term prosperity of the province.

The call for nominations will open on April 21st at 4 p.m. at an official ceremony during the Geeks on Ice Tournament.

Event: Kick off of the 2006 Rising Stars Call for Nominations
Date: Friday April 21st, 2006
Location: Slapshot Bar and Grill (Tim Hortons 4Plex Ice Rink at the CN Sportsplex).

The Greater Moncton Knowledge Industry Network (GMKIN) is a group of private sector companies in our region that have come to together (with the help of Enterprise Greater Moncton) in an organized fashion to help promote the sector.

For information regarding nominations or sponsorship opportunities visit


For further information or for a French copy of this release, please communicate with Stephanie Turner, Marketing Coordinator, Rising Star Committee
Tel: (506) 867-0926 ext 106

Geeks Golf media release


The City of Moncton entry in the inaugural Geeks Golf tournament
expressed satisfaction after registering an opening round -10 62. The
team, comprised of Don "Digger" MacLellan, Steve "Scooter" Trueman, Doug
"The Deemer" Robertson and Steve "Sweet Swingin" Mitton appeared relaxed
and in solid early season form as they played the tournament's first
round. Said Robertson, "expectations for our team were somewhat tempered
so, despite our limited pre-season play, we felt relaxed and under no
particular pressure."

Scooter Trueman was in rare form, stroking the ball with particular
authority and following it up with solid and confident putting. The team
got off to a somewhat sluggish start, but once the first birdie was
registered, they found their groove and rolled eight under par in the
last ten holes.

Speaking after the match, Mitton said that it was the most satisfaction
he has had in months, but would not colourize the comment with further
clarity. The team was pleased with their effort, and said " we are happy
to lay down a respectable score for the other teams to go after". The
team was obviously pleased to, at least temporarily, hold the position
of clubhouse leader. Said MacLellan " we wish the other teams well over
the next two days and hope the prospective frontrunners are duly
challenged by this score". Robertson added " the playing conditions were
challenging tonight, with swirling winds and a lot of crowd noise so we
were happy with our result".

The team will now sit back and await the final results and hope to be a
factor come. Saturday's sudden death playoff. "We'll be ready, if we
have the chance to be in the playoff" said Mitton "and will be happy to
face any of the other Geek teams under any set of sudden d eath rules".
He added, "we've seen it all before so frankly little out there will
rattle us".

Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf organizer, Trevor Macausland, takes out his frustration on Oops.

Here’s a little known fact…
- 87% of all Mascot injuries are related to getting kicked in the groin. Also 92% of all statistics given are made up on the spot!

From left to right: Jules Leger (Golf Geeks Chair and Dundee SportsDome President), Oops (Dundee Mascot) and City of Moncton Councillor Doug Robertson.

GOI: Thursday Night Results

HRDC 2 vs PropertyGuys 4

Dovico 1 vs OAOT 4

Beauséjour Health 6 vs Whitehill 3

Michael Nied

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Geeks on Ice Prize Bags

Geeks on Ice is proud to announce that all registered players in this year's Geeks on Ice hockey tournament will receive a Rising Stars Prize bag filled with plenty of goodies.

Each bag contains:

  1. Official Geeks on Ice T-shirt sponsored by Maritime Cresting Company
  2. Official Geeks on Ice puck sponsored by Whitehill Technologies
  3. Official OAOT key chain provided by OAOT
  4. Captain Sub Coupons

To get your bag, drop by the registration table in the Slapshots bar at the Moncton 4 Plex begining on Friday at 6pm.

Here are some pictures of Geeks committee members and Support for Single Parents staff stuffing the 300 bags:

First Drive Tonight

The first annual Geeks Golf indoor tournament kicks off tonight at 7PM. The event is held at the Moncton Dundee Sportsdome and will run from Thursday thru Saturday featuring 11 teams. Some teams that are participating represent knowledge industry organizations like the City of Moncton, Enterprise Greater Moncton, OAOT, Whitehill Technologies and Plexus Connectivity.

The official "First Drive" will be held tonight at 7pm with City of Moncton Councillor Doug Robertson doing the honors of hitting the first drive. Admittance is free and the public is invited to attend at any time. The sudden death final will be held on Saturday evening at the Sportsdome where the winning team will be crowned and someone might walk away with $10,000! There are also raffle prizes and a silent auction.

Proceeds of the event go towards Support for Single Parents. For more details visit

The Puck Drops Here..

The wait is over and the 2006 edition of Geeks on Ice is finally here! The event gets kickoff tonight at the Moncton 4 Plex at 7:15pm on Rink C. Tonight's games will feature:

Rink C at 7:15PM HRDC vs. PropertyGuys
Rink C at 8:30PM Dovico vs. OAOT
Rink C at 9:45PM Beauséjour Health vs. Whitehill

Who will walk away with the Whitehill Cup? Come and cheer on your team. Admittance is free and the public is encouraged to attend.

You can view the rest of the schedule by clicking here: Click(PDF)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Geeks Invade Moncton Airwaves

Thursday, April 20 2006

Dial into C103's Breakfast Club tomorrow from 8:30 am to 10:00 am or listen to the Live stream by clicking the following link :<>

We wil also be on Moncton's Country XL96 from 8:30 AM to 10 AM. Listen live by clicking the link (

Friday, April 21 2006

Geeks on ice, Geeks Golf and Support for Single Parents will be featured on CBC's information morning from 6:30 AM to 8:30 AM. Link:

Stay tuned on more media coverage..

Rising Stars Kick off and Opening of Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf

Join us Friday at 3pm when the NB Rising Stars will kickoff their 2006 nominations by hosting a networking mixer for participating Geeks on Ice and Geeks Golf ( teams and all knowledge industry workers. The first 100 participants will be treated to a beverage, compliments of Rising Stars. The activity is at the Slapshot Bar and Grill (Tim Hortons 4Plex)

Event: Kick off of the 2006 Rising Stars Call for Nominations
Date: Friday April 21st, 2006
Location: Slapshot Bar and Grill (Tim Hortons 4Plex Ice Rink at the CN Sportsplex).
Time: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.

This year's NB Rising Stars event chair, Stephanie Turner will unveil the new website, provide an overview of the 2006 Rising Stars Program and explain why Knowledge Industry organizations across New Brunswick should recognize their "unsung heroes".

Rising Stars is generously supported by Business New Brunswick, Atlantic Lottery, The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, The City of Moncton, Aliant, BMG Consulting and Hudson Design.

Please join us!

Stephanie Turner
Manager, Investment Attraction and Community Relations
Enterprise Greater Moncton
910 Main Street, Suite 101
Moncton, NB, E1C 1G6
(506) 867-0926 ext 106

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Support to Single Parents Partners with Geeks

April 18, 2006

Support to Single Parents Partners with Geeks
Local Charity to Benefit from Hockey Tournament and Auction

Moncton, NB – Support to Single Parents is a typical non-profit agency – any money that comes in goes to support services and programs, relying on donations and fundraising to keep afloat. It’s no surprise that many of their computer systems are woefully out of date. Geeks on Ice 2006 is hoping to change that. Proceeds from all raffles, auctions and the 2006 Geeks on Ice hockey and Geeks Golf tournaments go towards outfitting Support to Single Parents with computers and peripherals.

“We feel like we’ve won the lottery,” says Nancy Hartling, Executive Director, Support to Single Parents. “We’re very excited to be chosen as the recipient of this year’s hockey tournament proceeds. We’ve already received laptops, printers, keyboards and other peripherals that will help bring our offices up to date, technology-wise. We’ll be able to expand our services and hopefully even set up a small computer lab for the parents who need and use our services.”

A raffle draw for prizes including a return trip for two from Moncton to Montreal courtesy of Via Rail, and a stay at the Ramada Crystal Palace for a family of four is also being held. Tickets can be purchased from Support to Single Parents, from the Geeks on Ice organizing committee, or onsite at the tournament.

Geeks on Ice has a mandate to serve as a networking catalyst and promotion of knowledge industry firms and professionals from all over Atlantic Canada while raising funds to purchase computers, peripherals and software for non-profit organizations.

2006 sponsors include Maritime Cresting, Plexus Connectivity Solutions, Whitehill Technologies, Inc., Enterprise Greater Moncton, RBC Financial Services, the Government of NB, BMG Consulting and Dundee Sportsdome. Prize donors include Via Rail, Investor’s Group, Ramada Crystal Palace, and NRC.

Further information can be obtained by visiting the website at or by contacting:

Nancy Hartling, Executive Director
Support to Single Parents
(506) 858-1303


Dawn Mallyon
Marketing & Sponsorship Chair
Geeks on Ice 2006
506-855-0005, ext 228

Talking Smack, Geek Style!

Gene (Fatkat) said...
You're all in for a beating!Fatkat's Miramichi "Moose-Touchers" are gonna blow you out of the water!snicker, fart, laff..~gene.

Anonymous said...
canada post the next GOI champs

Anonymous said...
I hear a rumour that the PropertyGuys has 4 ex semi-pro players on their team.

Kris (Xerox) Said...
By the way, would you mind getting the Geeks Trophy engraved this week? We want to be able to bring the "CUP" home with us on Sunday!!!!!!!! LOL

Rob (Xerox 2) Said...
It dosnt matter who we play Kris, were gonna win anyway. OWWwwwwwwwww....the trash begins!!

Monday, April 17, 2006


Au nom du conseil municipal et des résidants et résidantes de Moncton, bienvenue à tous les joueurs, entraîneurs et spectateurs du Tournoi de hockey Geeks on Ice 2006. L'activité de quatre jours s'annonce divertissante!

Moncton est fière d'être le lieu d'accueil du tournoi encore une fois cette année. Cette rencontre de réseautage permet aux participants de s'amuser tout en ayant la chance d'apprendre à mieux connaître les autres entreprises de l'Atlantique du domaine de la haute technologie. Je félicite les organisateurs d'avoir créé un tournoi aussi unique et innovateur. Bonne chance à tous les participants et bon tournoi!

Lorne M. Mitton
Ville de Moncton


On behalf of City Council and the citizens of Moncton, I would like to extend warm greetings to all players, coaches, and fans here for the 2006 Geeks on Ice Tournament. Fans and players alike will no doubt enjoy four days of exciting hockey.

Moncton is proud to be home to this tournament for yet another year. This tournament is not only a chance to enjoy a great sport, but also provides participants with the opportunity to network, and increase their knowledge of industry firms from all over Atlantic Canada. I would like to extend my congratulations to the organizers for creating such a unique and positive event. Best of luck to all participants, and here’s to a wonderful tournament!

Lorne M. Mitton
City of Moncton

Official Countdown to Geeks on Ice

Moncton, NB - The countdown to the 2006 edition of Geeks on Ice has begun. Sixteen teams from across Atlantic Canada will compete in the 3-day event for the Whitehill Cup. Last year's champions, Assomption Vie, will be back and are ready to defend their title. The tournament is held at the Moncton 4 Plex beginning on Thursday, April 20. Teams and the public are encouraged to attend the official puck drop Friday evening at 5pm on Rink C followed by a game that will feature the defending champions, Assomption Vie of Moncton taking on the challengers, Evolving Solutions of Saint John.

Networking and fundraising activities planned during the event and are open to the public. The activities will begin on Friday at 3pm when the NB Rising Stars ( will kickoff their 2006 nominations by hosting a networking mixer for participating teams and all members of the knowledge industry. The first 100 participants will be treated to a beverage, compliments of Rising Stars. The activity is at the Slapshot Bar and Grill (4Plex). More details to follow..

Event participants, public, families and friends are also welcome to join us starting at 9pm on Saturday for Geekfest 2006, admittance is free. Geekfest will be at the Dundee Sportsdome feature music by Movin 'N Grovin DJ services with food and prizes. Someone may win $10,000! Don't miss it!

This year's event benefits Support for Single Parents. As such, they will be selling raffle ticket ($2 for each or 3 for $5) for a trip for 2 to Montreal courtesy of VIA rail and holding a silent auction featuring an official autographed Team Canada Olympic jacket by Gold medalist Team Gushue during the event. Tables will be setup at both the Dundee Sportsdome and Moncton 4Plex beginning on Friday. Anyone wishing to purchase tickets in advanced can contact Support for Single Parents at 858-1303. The draw and closing of the auction will take place at Geekfest. A maximum of 1000 tickets will be available with 300 already sold.

For more information on this event please visit

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What is the top job in America?

What is the top job in America? I've been saying it all along and MONEY magazine just made it official….


Top 10 best jobs
MONEY Magazine and researched hundreds of jobs, considering their growth, pay, stress-levels and other factors. These careers ranked highest. (

1. Software Engineer 6. Market research analyst
College professor 7. Computer IT analyst
Financial adviser 8. Real Estate Appraiser
Human Resources Manager 9. Pharmacist
Physician's assistant 10. Psychologist

Software Engineer

Why it's great?

Software engineers are needed in virtually every part of the economy, making this one of the fastest-growing job titles in the U.S. Even so, it's not for everybody. Designing, developing and testing computer programs requires some pretty advanced math skills and creative problem-solving ability. If you've got them, though, you can work and live where you want: Telecommuting is quickly becoming widespread.

The profession skews young -- the up-all-night-coding thing gets tired -- but consulting and management positions aren't hard to come by once you're experienced. What's cool Cutting-edge projects, like designing a new video game or tweaking that military laser. Extra cash from freelance gigs. Plus, nothing says cool like great prospects. What's not Jobs at the biggest companies tend to be less creative (think Neo, pre-Matrix). Outsourcing is a worry. Eyestrain and back, hand and wrist problems are common.

Top-paying job Release engineers, who are responsible for the final version of any software product, earn six figures. Education Bachelor's degree, but moving up the ladder often requires a master's.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Countdown Begins...

Only 10 days t'ill Geeks on Ice/Geeks Golf 2006!

Next Moncton Cybersocial

The CyberSocial exists to increase momentum in the knowledge
and technology industry, promote the exchange of knowledge, and provide a
means of networking among our peers.

DATE: Wednesday, April 12 th
LOCATION: Paramount Lounge, 800 Main Street (across from Church Street)
TIME: 5 - 7 p.m.

This month’s headliner is a joint effort from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the National Research Council of Canada (NRC).

It remains a challenge to reach out to industries that could benefit from the NSERC’s programs. These challenges have been made a little easier in Atlantic Canada since the establishment of the Atlantic Regional Office (ARO) in Moncton. The ARO would like to increase the number of NSERC grants in Atlantic Canada, especially those that support researcher-industry partnerships. NSERC’s Research Partnership Programs (RPP) link the public and private sectors through collaborative research projects. The regional office works with universities and colleges to raise awareness of these programs, and it helps researchers and potential partners to understand how they work. The ARO works with other agencies such as IRAP and ACOA to help make matches between researchers and potential collaborators and partners.

The NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) provides a range of both technical and business oriented advisory services along with potential financial support to growth-oriented Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises. The program is delivered by an extensive integrated network of 260 professionals in 100 communities across the country. Working directly with these clients, NRC-IRAP supports innovative research and development and commercialization of new products and services. IRAP is known as a key element of Canada’s innovation engine with an excellent track record of fostering early stage technology development.

A few prize draws will be made during the course of the evening, so don't forget to bring your business cards.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Geeks Golf Registration Extended

Geeks on Ice 2006 to Auction Team Gushue Autographed Olympic Jacket

Moncton, NB – The third annual Geeks on Ice hockey tournament is pleased to announce that it has secured an Olympic jacket signed by all members of Team Gushue -- the gold medal winners of the 2006 Olympic men’s curling competition.

“Pictures are available on our website at” says Trevor MacAusland, tournament founder. “We’re very excited to have this piece of sports memorabilia and to be able to use it to raise money for such a fantastic charity.”

A raffle draw for prizes including a return trip for two from Moncton to Montreal courtesy of Via Rail, and a stay at the Ramada Crystal Palace for a family of four is also being held. Tickets can be purchased from Support to Single Parents (, from the Geeks on Ice organizing committee, or onsite at the tournament.

Proceeds from all raffles, auctions and the 2006 Geeks on Ice hockey and Geeks Golf tournaments go towards outfitting Support to Single Parents with computers and peripherals.

“We are taking registrations for the Geeks Golf tournament being held that same weekend at the Dundee Sports Dome,” says MacAusland. “The golf event has been unexpectedly popular, so we’ve extended the registration deadline to April 13th.” Individuals wanting to play golf but who do not have a team can also register to play.

Teams can register by contacting the Dundee Sports Dome at 382-PLAY (7529) or email at or visit the website at

Geeks on Ice has a mandate to serve as a networking catalyst and promotion of knowledge industry firms and professionals from all over Atlantic Canada while raising funds to purchase computers, peripherals and software for non-profit organizations.

2006 Sponsors include Maritime Cresting, Plexus Connectivity Solutions, Whitehill Technologies, Inc., Enterprise Greater Moncton, RBC Financial Services, Business NB, BMG Consulting and Dundee Sportsdome. Prize donors include Via Rail, Investor’s Group, Ramada Crystal Palace, and NRC.

Further information can be obtained by visiting the website at or by contacting:

Trevor MacAusland
506-855-0005, ext 259


Dawn Mallyon
506-855-0005, ext 228

HRDC to Defend Title

Geeks on Ice teams compete to capture the title of "Most Generous Team"

Moncton, NB- Teams participating in the annual Geeks on Ice hockey tournament held in Moncton from April 20, 2006 to April 23, 2006 are getting ready to compete on and off the ice. 16 teams from across Atlantic Canada will be playing in a round robin tournament with one team being crowned 2006 Champions and awarded the "Whitehill Cup". While teams battle on the ice, teams will also be competing off the ice for the title of "Most Generous Geeks" sponsored by Rising Stars (

Every year, the award is given to the team that raises the most funds during and before the event contributing Support for Single Parents. Raffle ticket purchases, silent auction winning bid and direct donations all go towards team totals. When purchasing a ticket, placing a bid or provide a donation, your team members (players, family members and friends) must tell the Support for Single Parents volunteers or Geek Ambassadors what hockey team they are supporting.

The winner will be announced at Geekfest on April 22, 2006. Last year's winners HRDC have already begun raising money by conducting 50/50 draws with the proceeds going to Support for Single Parents. "We look forward to defending our title..." says Mike Ouellette from HRDC. Last year HRDC walked away with the honors while Whitehill Technologies finished second.

To purchase raffle tickets or make a donation to contribute to a team total before the event, please contact Support for Single Parents at or call (506) 858-1303.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Win a Trip to Montreal

Support to Single Parents is holding a fundraising raffle and auction in conjunction with the Geeks on Ice 2006 hockey tournament from April 20-23 at the Moncton 4Plex. Stop by to see IT companies vie for the Whitehill Cup, and purchase tickets for the raffle $2/each, 3 for $5.
Prizes include:
  • Trip for two to Montreal on Via Rail
  • Prepaid cell phone
  • Men’s watch and
  • Night’s stay for a family of four at Ramada Crystal Palace.
The silent auction item is an official Olympic jacket autographed by all members of the 2006 Men’s Curling Gold Medalists, Team Gushue.
Tickets are on sale right now at the Support to Single Parents offices on Queen Street in Moncton, and will also be on sale during the tournament at the Tim Horton’s 4Ice Centre.
All proceeds from the hockey tournament, raffle and auction are to purchase computers and peripherals for Support to Single Parents.
More info can be obtained from

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Did you know?

If your looking for more information on these great events, browse our Archive section at the bottom right hand corner of this web page. You will be able to read all our press releases and media coverage.

Geeks Golf Deadline Approaches

If you've been thinking of registering your team for the first annual Geeks Golf tournament your time is running out. The deadline for registration is April 7, 2006. All proceeds raised at this great event will go towards Support for Single Parents, Inc.

The event is from April 20, 2006 to April 22, 2006. The entrance fee of $40.00 per player includes a two-hour, 18 hole game of golf, pizza for your foursome, and admission to the GeekFest on Saturday night. The tournament features a putting contest for all registered golf players, where someone could walk away with $10,000!

The golf tournament is a scramble format and open to individuals belonging to knowledge economy firms like call center, IT, insurance, banking, engineering, animation, consulting, students, families and friends.

Register your golf team (or those individuals looking to play) by contacting the Dundee Sports Dome at 382-PLAY (7529) or email at or visit our website at

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Crosby Live Repeat

If you missed last night's Crosby Live featuring Geeks on Ice and Support for Single Parents, you can see the repeat today at 4pm on Rogers Television. Click the link for local listings: <>

Monday, April 03, 2006

Live Geeks on Crosby Live Tonight!

Tune into Rogers Television tonight, Monday April 3 2006, at 8pm as Geeks on Ice will be the feature guest on Crosby Live. Geeks on Ice founder Trevor Macausland, Support for Single Parents Executive Director Nancy Hartling and Enterprise Greater Moncton's Stephanie Turner will be taking your phone calls for one hour. Tune in to find out information on this year's event, the services that Support for Single Parents provides and the challenges of economic development.

Crosby Live airs Monday through Wednesday, LIVE at 8 PM, exclusively on Rogers Television.