April 8, 2009
Moncton, NB – Geeks on Ice United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB have done it again! This year’s charitable hockey tournament took place this past weekend at the J-Louis Levesque arena. The event rose over $1100.00 for Turning Points Youth Center. Funds will be used to help overcome digital barriers for the agency whose goal it is to help youth parents finish high school and give them the opportunity to pursue post-secondary education.
When asked what Geeks on Ice meant to Turning Points Youth Center, board member Claudette Leger said: “It represents a new beginning for Turning Points. Our agency relies heavily on technology to ensure that young mothers can finish assignments on time, conduct research over the internet and in some cases use eLearning as a means to complete their GED. Access to technology is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity”.
Moncton, NB – Geeks on Ice United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB have done it again! This year’s charitable hockey tournament took place this past weekend at the J-Louis Levesque arena. The event rose over $1100.00 for Turning Points Youth Center. Funds will be used to help overcome digital barriers for the agency whose goal it is to help youth parents finish high school and give them the opportunity to pursue post-secondary education.
When asked what Geeks on Ice meant to Turning Points Youth Center, board member Claudette Leger said: “It represents a new beginning for Turning Points. Our agency relies heavily on technology to ensure that young mothers can finish assignments on time, conduct research over the internet and in some cases use eLearning as a means to complete their GED. Access to technology is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity”.
According to Human Resources and Social Development NB, the financial return on investment to taxpayers for supporting a teen parent in becoming self-reliant through education can be upwards to $141,000.00.
This statistic is not lost on Geeks on Ice founder, Trevor MacAusland.
“Turning Points Youth Center mandate aligns perfectly with our goal to eradicate the digital divide. Youth parents face incredible challenges, technology or lack thereof should not be one of them” said MacAusland. “It is no coincidence that Moncton was named this year as one of the ICF’s Top 7 Intelligent Communities. We are a model for others to follow on the way we embrace technology. Moncton has demonstrated over the years that when given access to proper infrastructure the region is competitive throughout the world in the broadband economy. We are fortunate to be living in such a progressive and compassionate community”.
This year’s event was low key compared to previous years due to logistical challenges, however; organizers maintain that Geeks on Ice is still on track with its 5-year goal to host teams from across the world. Even in our current economic climate, Geeks on Ice hosted players from as far as Toronto. Companies who participated were T4G Limited, Service Canada, Moncton Flight College, GTECH, Oracle, Aliant and Gogii Games.
On Sunday afternoon, fans witnessed Gogii Games successfully defend the Whitehill Cup, while Oracle walked away with the RisingStars.ca Most Generous Geeks Award for raising the most pledges.
Geeks on Ice organizers say that they will begin working on the 2010 edition of the tournament over the summer and continue to help those without regular affective access to digital technology overcome the divide. Meanwhile, Turning Points will be launching their $2 for 2 Generations campaign this spring.
Media Contact:
Geeks on Ice: Trevor MacAusland 863-8096
United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB: Micha Fardy 858-8600